Now Reading: The Greatest Love of All


The Greatest Love of All

February 14, 20122 min read

Everybody wants to be loved. Whether we admit it or not, all of us have this natural desire to feel adored and appreciated by others. Many of us spend our entire lives searching for someone to love us, in hopes that somebody- anybody- will satisfy this longing inside.

Well if you’re planning to lose yourself in romance today and you’re hoping that you’ll finally satisfy that longing, I want you to know that your aim is too low. You won’t find the greatest love of all at a candle light dinner tonight. However, there is an all powerful, all satisfying, perfect love available to you. There’s a God who loves you more than you could ever imagine. His love isn’t fickle and you don’t have to woo Him or work for it.

Does God Love Us?

I know sometimes many of us wonder whether or not God really loves us. He seems so far away. And maybe we’d stop doubting if He did something to make it clear for us. The truth us, He already has. The Bible says, “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

And again it says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

God has already shown His love for us in an unbelievable way, by giving His Son for us. Don’t reject the greatest act of love in the history of the world. Don’t reject the lover of your soul. Instead receive that love by trusting in Jesus.

Enduring Love

For those of us who have believed on Him, there is nothing in the world that can ever separate us from God’s love. And His love for His people is so great, that we can never do anything to make Him love us more than He already does.

So on this Valentine’s Day, take heart fam. You don’t have to look any further. God loves you deeply

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  • Dj Mas or Samson

    August 19, 2013 / at 8:37 am

    Thanks Trip Lee you are a true Inspiration to my life God Bless You!!!

  • Violetchirwa

    August 19, 2013 / at 8:38 am

    am so tached

  • Carolyn

    August 19, 2013 / at 8:38 am

    Tru that, my brother. Nice to see the next gen taking up the cause. May God enlarge your territory and influence for Him.
    Let’s pray for one another as we seek to obey Him.

  • Kathy Washington7

    August 19, 2013 / at 8:38 am

    Love you, Triplee!!! When you comin’ to the Port?????

  • kayla:)

    August 19, 2013 / at 8:38 am

    love it:)

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September 10, 2012By Trip Lee

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