
All posts tagged in Sermon

  • December 7, 2012By Trip Lee

    Here’s a sermon I preached a couple months ago on Matthew 12:36. I pray it’s an encouragement to you.

  • September 25, 2012By Trip Lee

    Here’s a recent sermon I preached on Jeremiah 31:33. My main points were: I. God Is Working Internationally II. God Is Working Internally III. God Is Working Interpersonally IV. God Is At Work

  • September 25, 2012By vrasa

    I do music for a living. And as many of you also know, the kind of music I do is a little bit different than the songs you might hear at a CHBC service. There are many things about hip hop that make it different than other genres of music. One thing

  • July 27, 2012By Trip Lee

    Here’s the video from my recent sermon at Summit Church in Raleigh, NC. I preached on Mark 5:1-20 about the power, authority, and mercy of Jesus. I hope it’s an encouragement to you

  • November 9, 2011By Trip Lee

    Here’s the audio from a session I taught earlier this year about faithful evangelism. The Faithful Evangelist by BragOnMyLord For those short on time, here’s a summary of the points: 5 Characteristics of a Faithful Evangelist… 1. Embraces and Understands the Gospel 2. Confident and Unashamed of the Gospel 3. Loves the Lost
