Now Reading: Rise Street Team


Rise Street Team

January 20, 20152 min read

Hey guys! My book Rise is releasing on January 27 (next week!)  and I need your help.

We’re looking for people who can help be a part of a Street Team and help us spread the word about the book online and on their social media.

You can check out more about the book at

My prayer is that God will take this book and use its message to challenge our generation to get up and live. And you can help us spread that message by signing up to be a part of our Street Team for the book.

Here’s how it will work…

1 – Apply HERE.

Let us know more about you, why you want to be a part of the team, and share you social media and other online links with us.

My publisher will review the application and if chosen…

2 – Read an advance copy of the book.

They will send you a PDF copy of the book to read.

3 – Join the private Facebook Group.

You’ll receive an invitation to join a private Facebook Group from my publisher. There, you’ll get a ton of great content to share with your friends. There are some great things happening around the release that you’ll want to know about.

I may pop in the group a few times, too!

4 – Spread the Word!

All we ask in exchange for the advance copy is that you’d spread the word to your friends as well as posting honest reviews of the book once you’ve had the chance to check it out.

I really do believe in this message and pray that it will inspire YOU and others to become awake to God’s purpose in their lives. Let’s start a movement. It can start with you.

Apply HERE.

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  • TaylorBradian

    January 20, 2015 / at 10:16 am

    I am a 21 year old believer who is a single father to a beautiful 16 month little girl. I also serve as a booking agent for artists in Christian Hip Hop. I’m also a senior, elementary education major (English), at Campbell University in North Carolina. Honestly, the message of Christ hit me in a whole new way, years back when I was first introduced to Christian Hip Hop. The gospel was presented in a way where I could understand it, and share it with my friends. A couple of years back, we had the opportunity to bring Trip to my hometown of Sanford, NC, where he had a tour stop for his The Good Life Book Tour. It was awesome to see the response other people had, when they heard and understood the gospel for the first time. I would be thrilled to be a further help in spreading the word about this new book from Trip. People need to hear the gospel in their own context so they can understand it. Just as Trip did in his debut book, I look forward to reading, reviewing, and sharing his practical and relate-able story with others. I was fortunate enough to receive a hope years back, that will last with me for eternity. I want others to find this same hope, and I remain confident that Trip clearly and concisely presents this hope in his new book. Thank you for your time in reading this, and I’m looking forward to helping further this message that we all so dearly need. Let’s RISE together!

  • David

    January 21, 2015 / at 10:22 pm

    Thankyou sooooo much for this awesome chance to help spread the news of your book!! I can’t wait for the 27th!!!

  • David

    March 29, 2015 / at 5:13 pm

    I was never picked:(xD

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