Now Reading: Should We Move On?


Should We Move On?

July 16, 20139 min read

I’ve kept up with the Trayvon Martin saga from the beginning. Like many of you I watched the news coverage, read the articles, and talked about it with friends. It dominated public conversation and provoked a much needed discussion about race in America. The ugly reality of racism was pushed in front of our faces, and even those who like to pretend it doesn’t exist were forced to talk about it.

Over a year later, Trayvon’s killer has been tried and found not guilty. Does that mean we should move on from the issues? They found him innocent, so these “race issues” must not be as real as we thought they were, right? That couldn’t be further from the truth. I have no intention of arguing about the facts, Trayvon’s character, or the verdict in this tragic situation, but I do think some discussion should continue. The trial is over, but the conversation shouldn’t be.

Why the Interest?

I know there are many who wonder why this particular trial has captured the attention of so many. Others wonder why some black folks are so quick to sympathize with Trayvon Martin, despite the fact that he had issues of his own. After all, none of us were there and we don’t know exactly what happened. While that’s true, I did find myself emotionally invested in the whole ordeal. I can’t speak for everybody, but I can tell you why I found myself sympathizing with Trayvon and the Martin family.

When I hear about a young black teenager walking home from the store, and the man who assumed he was a criminal before knowing anything about him, I can relate. You may not be able to. Maybe you’ve never been followed around in a department store by a security guard for no reason. I have. Maybe you’ve never had a convenient store clerk scream at you to leave, assuming that the blackberry on your hip is a gun that you plan to shoot him with. I have. 

Maybe you’ve never smiled and greeted people you’ve passed on the street, only to have them avoid eye contact, clutch their belongings, and quickly walk away. I have. Maybe you’ve never been pushed against a wall, held at gunpoint, and handcuffed by police (who are supposed to protect you) because you “look like a suspect we were looking for.” I have (and I looked nothing like that suspect). All of these incidents are minor and none of them significantly threatened my life. Most, if not all, of my black friends have been through similar situations. And countless others have endured much, much worse.

If you’ve never experienced this sort of thing, you may not understand why this case resonates so deeply with us. But when I hear his story, I hear my story. And my father’s story. And my son’s story. I have no idea what happened after Mr. Zimmerman made assumptions about that young man, but before the altercation, there was nothing extraordinary about the incident. It happens every single day.

Profiling is real, and it’s often racial. Some people think they have the gift of discovering character just by looking at a person. Just like a dark blue uniform and badge means law enforcement, dark skin and a hoodie means lawbreaker. No conversation has happened, but an imaginary rap sheet is attached. Violent character is assumed. They think about the gangster image they saw on TV, or the danger their parents told them about, or the horrible crime they witnessed – and they place all of that baggage on a person they’ve never even met.  We never have the right to draw unwarranted conclusions about a person– even if they do turn out to be troubled.

These kinds of assumptions are disgusting and false. God made all human beings in His image with value and worth. Yet all of us are sinful and fail to display God’s image as we should. Every single one of us can turn from our sins, trust Christ, and be made right by our Creator. But racism picks and chooses which people these truths should be applied to. Racism says, “I’m valuable and good, and all of those people are wicked.” 

This prideful rebellion against God and opposition to His Gospel should be of interest to God’s people. We shouldn’t ignore it, and we shouldn’t be afraid to address it. The Good News is that Jesus came to die for both racist and non-racist sinners. Former enemies can become friends in Him, and benefit from the exact same grace. Who will step up, address this issue, and proclaim the truth? Whether or not you think race is a factor in this case, you can’t deny that race is a factor in the lives of so many of us every day.

What Do We Do Now?

So how should we respond? Maybe we should move on in one sense. Maybe we should stop arguing about the stuff we’re not sure about. We don’t know every single detail of that night; otherwise we would have been called as witnesses. And whether or not we like the verdict, it’s out of our hands. 

Maybe we should stop arguing, and start praying. Pray for the families. Pray that God would keep His promise to send His Son to bring perfect justice. The Lord doesn’t need lawyers to argue their cases, and He doesn’t need evidence presented. He has no need for jurors to give Him their perspective. He sees all, knows all, and judges with perfect justice.

But in another sense, we most definitely should not move on. We should not stop talking about the racism that still lurks in our world. If you’ve experienced it, help those who haven’t experienced it to understand. Be patient with your friends as they clumsily seek to comprehend what you’ve gone through. And please don’t prove them right by fulfilling negative stereotypes. Trust Christ, and pray God would mold your character to look more like His.

If you’ve never been on the receiving end of racism, sympathize with those who have. Learn about their experiences. You can’t love someone if you ignore or belittle their concerns. Please never assume that people are just complaining and playing the “race card.”  Seek to understand them, and respect the fact that some of us live in different realities and have to endure different trials. 

Whatever you do, just don’t stop talking about it.


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  • jonathansampson

    August 19, 2013 / at 10:09 am

    T.L., I’m sorry that you’ve been through some rough stuff, but this particular case wasn’t a reflection of racism in America. George wasn’t even sure of Trayvon’s race until later in the 911 call, when Trayvon began walking toward his direction. Trayvon was viewed as suspicious because we was walking between and behind apartment buildings, appearing to be looking into windows. Remember, this community has had a string of break-ins and burglaries. That is why Trayvon looked suspicious. Had he been walking on the sidewalk in the light of local street-lamps, George wouldn’t have batted an eye.

    I feel terrible that a young man died; but I feel even more terrible by all that has followed as a result of this case being portrayed as an instance of racism. Five black teens in Baltimore held a Hispanic man at gunpoint yesterday and beat him “for Trayvon.” LAPD have been responding to small riots since the verdict of not guilty came in. This fake racism is disgusting, and it’s hurting people, not helping them.

    What bothers me also is that this stuff doesn’t just happen to black people. I was treated very badly by my black peers in middle school. Tripped down bleachers, bullied, and ridiculed. Just a few months ago I visited an all-black-male college campus where I was volunteering for Black Girls Code. Just trying to walk to my car I was met with insults and threats from college boys who didn’t think I belonged on their campus.

    A mother just a few months ago here in Georgia was approached by a 17 year old and 14 year old (again, both black) at 9am who shot her in the leg, and her 13 month old baby in the face. That might be why people freak out at times. Could it be the clothes? Could it be the hip hop culture that freaks people out? Possibly. (Sad if true, but understandable).

    Whatever the issue is, I hope and pray for a solution that will helps us save the lives of our young children, regardless of their race. I’m sorry again that you’ve been through some rough times, but making this Trayvon/Zimmerman case about race doesn’t help our understanding, it clouds it.


      August 19, 2013 / at 10:10 am

      Excellent point and well put. Racism has transitioned and has become a whole new thing “profiling” and happens between people who consider themselves to be different. The guy in a suit and the girl in a thong ect… profiling is all around and difficult to stray from, No longer is it limited to the color of ones skin. Do we dare speak of other more vicious interracial violent crimes. Why this one? We can only hope that racism is not continued as a scapegoat and people can own up to what are more insecurities in themselves and accept each other. Profiling is sad, but even Trayvon profiled “white crackers”. So lets take no sides, but see all angles. Beyond a reasonable doubt, not guilty.

    • Marvin Lee McManus

      August 19, 2013 / at 10:11 am

      What bothers me is that we are so quick to believe the lies George Zimmerman told about how Trayvon Martin was looking into the windows of these homes in this community. Again, none of us were there but God saw the whole ordeal and it must be accounted for before Him and Him alone. What irks me is the fact that we have to keep going back and forth with this whole what about this black person committing this crime against this white person but nothing was done. That is not productive at all. I hear yelling about civil rights activists getting involved and making this about race, we all play a part. I submit to you that your issue should be with the news media and not civil rights activists or others who realize that race played a larger role than is being admitted. You see, the media thrives on creating controversy as it’s good for their ratings. Last time I checked, major media outlets were not owned by minorities. It is the love of money that is the root of all evil. When we as a people are more concerned with making a profit as opposed to the harm that we thrust upon society, there is a big problem with that. I am proud to say that I am a born again child of God. That is not to say that I throw reason out the window. That is to say that the truth is always welcome regardless of your race. The indiscriminate untruths told against this young man, regardless of his past, and the unfair characterizations of himself and even Rachel Jeantel, all go to prove that race does matter. It hurt me to my heart that this trial ended the way it did because Trayvon Martin seems to have been murdered twice. The real sad truth is, there is a lack of compassion because a child, regardless of your thoughts about him, lost his life senselessly and it doesn’t matter what his race was. No amount of arguing will ever bring Trayvon back and no amount of complaining is going to bring about a conviction for his murderer. What we need to do is really be more compassionate towards each other and ask ourselves, what if that had been my child or another loved one. Regardless of who the perpetrator was or was not, would you still feel the same way? Just because FL has a law doesn’t mean that law trumps the word of God. Whatever happened to thou shalt not kill? God’s justice will always prevail. Now, I am going to sit back and wait to see who will not hear or comprehend the heart of this post and try to school me on why they think the reactions are still being blown out of proportion.

      • jonathansampson

        August 19, 2013 / at 10:11 am

        You acknowledge that none of us were there, but say that George was lying about Trayvon looking suspicious. If you weren’t there, what grounds do you have for calling George a liar?

        Where do you get the idea that race played a part in this? George mentored black children, took a black girl to prom, and had the friendship and respect of other blacks in his neighborhood who testified that he was a man of good character.

        My beef is most certainly with the media, who came right out of the gate with race-baiting by calling Zimmerman a “white-hispanic,” so as to start a fire between blacks and whites. After all, if there isn’t any controversy, they can’t sell ad space.

        I’m sure if George and Trayvon could go back and go through that evening, they would both do things differently. This doesn’t change the fact that Trayvon (not a boy, but a man) died while straddling Zimmerman, slamming his head into the concrete repeatedly. This was born out of the evidence showing the grass stains on Zimmerman’s back, as well as eye-witness testimony that Zimmerman was on bottom.

        I am saddened by the death of a child, but I’m more saddened by the instruction and lifestyle that child was raised in and around. As Jeantel stated very clearly, she comes from an area that white people wouldn’t understand. A place where teens routinely smoke pot, a place where white people are called “crackers”, and more. This hip-hop lifestyle is going to keep killing out children.

        I was dating a black girl when I lived in Chattanooga years back who was harassed by her peers because she was “acting white” in pursuing an education. Where does this mentality come from? It certainly isn’t the fault of white people that young black children are ridiculing other young black children for trying to excel in life.

        I’m trying to do my part in helping. As a software engineer I have volunteered and helped spread a love for technology and programming among young black Atlanta-based girls, working with wonderful initiatives like Black Girls Code. Right now all these kids have to look up to are jokes like Nikki Minaj, and wannabe-thugs rapping about sex, money, and shoes.

        We are failing our young black children.

        • Marvin Lee McManus

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:11 am

          What purpose does announcing that you dated a black girl when you were in Chattanooga serve? You don’t have to announce that to me for me to respect your opinion. That’s something that is simply inherent. The fact that you help young black youth doesn’t set you apart from any other white citizens either. I’m not saying that to be mean or disrespectful but it’s awfully suspect. The black girl you used to date is not the only black individual to suffer any type of ridicule whether it’s from a white person, a black person, or anyone else. Now, I did say we were not there. But you scratch a lie, you always find a thief. Just because George Zimmerman mentioned all those things about having black friends, and mentoring black children, again, doesn’t mean a thing. Ever heard the term hypocrite? Also, if it is raining and I am trying to get home, I don’t have time to be peeking in anyone’s windows. But if I just murdered someone that I thought was suspicious, I’d have to do my best to describe those suspicions. It’s called embellishing the truth. At the end of the day, he doesn’t have to face me. He will; however, face God, Yes he was acquitted, and though I was disappointed with the verdict, you nor anyone else can rationalize away the fact that race did not play a role in this incident; in the trial, in the media, and even now. If race didn’t play a part, none of these comments would talk about it so much. And not just from the black people. It is amazing to me that you talk about the rap icons that the kids are looking up to as if it’s only black children who like them. White children are greater supporters of the Nikki Minaj’s and Lil Wayne’s than anyone else. When you have a culture of white kids that can coin a term, “wigger”, please don’t fool yourself into believing it’s just black people. Either way, there’s stupidity on both sides and hatred on both sides, but please spare me when you try to rehash the points that you want to make to indicate why George Zimmerman was acquitted.

        • jonathansampson

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:12 am

          Sir, I’m speaking from my personal experience. That is why I spoke of my ex in Tennessee, and that is why I referenced my involvement in initiatives created to serve young black children. Sadly I could give my full testimony, and still be considered just another white-pawn by others.

          I know my ex isn’t the only black girl to get disrespected. What I’m pointing out is that young black children are coming up in environments that don’t encourage personal excellence. This isn’t the case for all of them, but in my personal experience it’s uncomfortably common.

          You call George a hypocrite, but again, based on what? Do you know George? Were you there that night? It’s not that George said he had black friends, it’s the personal testimony of blacks in his neighborhood who verbally praised him. So what basis can we call his character into question when all of the evidence suggests he is not, and has never been, racist?

          If race played a role, where does the evidence show that? The only mention of race we have in this entire case was in the words of Jeantel, who said Trayvon called George a “creepy ass cracker,” and later a “nigger.” The racist commentary came from Trayvon, not George. Jeantel testified that in her area, that’s what they call white people.

          I don’t mean to paint white children as some type of angel. I am speaking of cultural influences on black children only because we’re talking about Trayvon in this instance. I’m plenty sick of the thug mentality among young white children, as well. My son, who is bi-racial, will not grow up with his pants around his knees, oversized shirts, and an attitude that communicates apathy and disinterest. I don’t want to see it among white kids, black kids, hispanic kids, or anybody else. Instead, I want to see this next generation do better for itself.

          I love you, brother. And I appreciate your passion. I am comforted by the fact that we both pray for and care about this next generation, and we want to see more succeed than ever before. God bless.

        • Marvin Lee McManus

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:12 am

          Jonathan, this is going nowhere fast. i didn’t read your entire post because I am not trying to have a disagreement with you. Allow me to say, I didn’t call George Zimmerman a hypocrite. I simply made reference to the word. Are you a born again child of God? If so, why are we bantering back and forth? What are we trying to prove. I don’t care what Trayvon Martin’s race is, he lost his life when he didn’t have too. You mentioned in your other post he was a young man. No, he wasn’t. As badly as we want him to be so that George Zimmerman is further justified in taking his life, he was still a child. 17 years old equals a child. He wasn’t grown. It’s so sad with the polarization that occurred and blacks and whites and sitting back like this is a sport and whichever team racks up the most points wins. That is just plain sad. If Trayvon Martin had been white and George Zimmerman had been black, I’d still feel the same way I feel now. But the sad truth is, had George Zimmerman been black and Trayvon Martin been white, this would have been a much different outcome in that he would’ve been arrested day 1, standing his ground or not and the verdict most definitely would have been much different. Feel free to befriend me on any social media outlet you wish if you want to get a feel for who I really am; however, at this point, I’m done going back and forth because it is so not going anywhere. I appreciate your responses though.

        • Nathanial Poling

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:13 am

          Marvin, you need to read your posts… you have been on the attack from the beginning while still trying to play the “neutral” card. You called Zimmerman a liar and a murderer and then attack your white brother who is having a civil conversation. For one, Zimmerman is a Hispanic.. I have never heard one person call President Obama white and this point alone shows your bias. My personal opinion is that the media blew this into a race war when the true issue was really inner city against suburbs. There are certain behaviors like walking between houses that are not normal in subdivisions or gated communities. Any neighborhood watch person would have found this to be weird behavior. What happened afterwards will be debated forever as no one was there except one guy and the jury looked at all the evidence and ruled that his story held up enough to not convict him.

          • Marvin Lee McManus

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:13 am

            Nathanial, I haven’t attacked anyone. I simply shared my opinions. Though they are strong, they are mine. It would be more appropriate for you to say
            “I feel like you were attacking someone”. I know how I came across and I didn’t attack Jonathan at all. Our opinions differ and neither of us are changing our points of view, but we still conversed. Speaking of bias, yours is also very apparent. What does George Zimmerman’s being hispanic have to do with proving that this was not about race? Is an incident not based on race if it doesn’t occur between a member of the black and white race? What does President Obama’s heritage have to do with this thread? I’ve always acknowledged his ethnic makeup for what it is. Sadly, there are those who would consider him black just because of the color of his skin. Yes, I said George Zimmerman was a liar and a murderer, both true statements. Just because the jury acquitted him doesn’t make either one false. At the end of the day, exactly what is the point that you are trying to hammer home? I’m sorry if you feel as though I am attacking anyone. Am I not allowed to speak my opinion just as everyone else on this thread has without being blamed for being something that I know I am not?

        • pepjrp

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:15 am

          God will prevail, but you are acting racist. You ignore the facts in the case because Martin was black. That is the only reason. Martin attacked Zimmerman after disappearing for a few minutes. No murder happened, You are misinformed as are 10’s of 1000’s who see this thru race colored glasses.

          • Marvin Lee McManus

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:15 am

            What I find to be rather hilarious my friend is the fact that you are making an assumption about me without even knowing me. On another blog here (After Trayvon, Will There Be Justice for Florida’s Other Stand Your Ground Victim?) on Disqus, someone called me a “nigger” just because my point of view differed from theirs. Did I respond? No. Why not? Because I know who I am and what I represent. It’s amusing to me that you refer to God prevailing as if to imply that you are a christian. First of all, I am simply defending Trayvon Martin since he was murdered that fateful night and continues to be murdered. I would feel the exact same way if he were a little white kid also and George Zimmerman were black. It’s call valuing humanity. You see, George Zimmerman is a murderer. He devalued another human’s life because of an altercation that he started. Regardless of his being acquitted of “man’s” law, God’s law said “thou shalt not kill”. What did he do? He killed when the whole situation could have been prevented. What you call racism is nothing more than rationale based on the value I place on Trayvon’s life. Am I mad at George Zimmerman, not at all, he will face his Judge. Am I upset at the Stand Your Ground Law, yes I am. If it didn’t protect a black female, Marissa Alexander, who fired warning shots at her husband, and subsequently resulted in a 20 year prison sentence for her, it should not have applied to George Zimmerman either. For you to assume anything about my ignoring facts and only defending Trayvon Martin because he is black shows me your bias and inherent racism associated with your race-based assumption. It’s further apparent in your disdain of the “10’s of 1000’s who see this thru race colored glasses”. Thank you for making me laugh though.

          • pepjrp

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:16 am

            We all as Christians are allowed to take a life if ours is in danger… and it appears that Zimmerman’s was. It also appears that you won’t give Zimmerman the benefit of that. If it is not race based, then my apologies, but you are one of the very few that it isn’t. But you are a Christian and nearly all the others that I have spoken with online are not, so i will give you that respect. But it is clear that you believed some untruths about the case without seeing or listening for yourself. That is where my aggravation comes in. I had no belief one way or the other until I spent the time to get as many facts as I could. It was surprising what I discovered. Now, I see that many are using the Marissa Alexander case to slam the Zimmerman verdict. Now I do not know as much about it as I do this one, but I do know that Alexander was offered a 3 year plea deal that she turned down. Yet, I never read that fact in anyone’s posts. There is also testimony that she could have left and even came back after she was gone, but I don’t know that for sure, but it is part of the prosecution’s case. But there is tremendous reason to believe that Trayvon Martin had also left and came back. There were minutes where Zimmerman says on the phone to the 911 dispatcher that he doesn’t know where Martin is. But you didn’t know that because you didn’t try to know it, did you? My comment of “10’s of 1000’s who see this thru race colored glasses” stands as is more than true. There are plenty of whites who believe Zimmerman is guilty for all kinds of personal reasons, but there are virtually no blacks who feel Zimmerman may be innocent That is all the racist proof you need.

          • Marvin Lee McManus

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:16 am

            Please do me a favor and stop it. As a christian, you should know better than to try and lecture me about believing untruths. That implies that you believe everything that came forth from George Zimmerman’s mouth was truth. I won’t touch that because again, only God is his Judge. The more you try to sound impartial and rational about this case, the worse it gets. And again, quit assuming you know how much of this case I listened to for myself. I am a very well read, educated, individual who is able to think for myself, apart from emotion. Please tell me in the bible where it says if your life is in danger, you can take another one. Thou shalt not kill means exactly that. And please spare me with the old testament killings that were prevalent because God’s grace had not come on the scene. The Marissa Alexander case, doesn’t matter, plea deal or not, if she felt her life were in danger, she had every right to stand her ground. You support a law that has tied into blatant racist overtones and are trying to defend it, again, not a good look. Also, if you feel the bible indicates if your life is in danger you can take another one, how do you feel about abortions that are medically necessary. Just curious to know. Again, at the end of the day, your opinions are yours and aren’t changing, neither are mine. Only difference is, mine result from a pure humane standpoint, yours are simply out of anger and frustration that you feel this case was about race. See the difference?

          • Nathanial Poling

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:16 am

            so soldiers in war are guilty of murder?

          • Nathanial Poling

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:16 am

            You just showed your ignorance or just general lack of knowledge… Stand Your Ground was never even used in the Zimmerman case by the defense, he was innocent even without that law. Furthermore that law has applied 2 to 1 in the favor of African Americans defending themselves against other African Americans than whites using the law.

          • Antoine Mason

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:17 am

            That’s a pretty racist statement.

          • Nathanial Poling

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:17 am

            what is racist? there was nothing in that statement remotely racist

          • Marvin Lee McManus

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:18 am

            No matter how much you want to wish away the SYG law, the deliberation and resulting language closely resembled the SYG verbiage. SO in theory just because SYG wasn’t invoked, doesn’t mean this was not the basis of the decision. Furthermore, please spare me your statistics unless you can back them up with proof. Next time, consider your language when you want to assume that someone is ignorant because you’re ignorant if you truly believe that the SYG ruling played no part in the final outcome. And as far as your made up stats, please refer to either of the following…



            Enjoy your day.

          • Nathanial Poling

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:22 am

            did you really just post a couple of random blogs?

            Now lets move on to some real statistics:
            But approximately one third of Florida “Stand Your Ground” claims in
            fatal cases have been made by black defendants, and they have used the
            defense successfully 55 percent of the time, at the same rate as the
            population at large and at a higher rate than white defendants,
            according to a Daily Caller analysis of a database maintained by the Tampa Bay Times. Additionally, the majority of victims in Florida “Stand Your Ground” cases have been white.

            African Americans used “Stand Your Ground” defenses at nearly twice the rate of their presence in the Florida population, which was listed at 16.6 percent in 2012.


            Furthermore, I just read of a case in New York in 2009:

            Kind of refutes the whole race card argument that President Obama and others played with this case that a black adult wouldn’t have be acquitted if they killed a white teenager.

          • Marvin Lee McManus

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:22 am


            I am not going to assume anything about you for a moment other than you clearly don’t like to be wrong and you also love to defend a controversial law. Whether you want to admit it or not and find stats that support your narrative, as anyone can, SYG laws, whether invoked in this case or not, have a built-in racial disparity. I have absolutely no intention of continuing this discourse with you. Why? You may ask. It’s accomplishing absolutely nothing. Your opinion is not going to change and neither is mine. Does that mean I can’t or don’t respect you? Not at all. It means I am tired of beating a dead horse with you. Civil discourse is truly lacking in this nation and this is further proof that we have a long way to go in order for us to be one nation under God. I pray His love permeates your heart as well as mine and anyone else who may stumble upon this blog. Have a great evening.

          • Nathanial Poling

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:22 am

            I see you skirted my response. I will pray for you as well that God removes your “race” blinders that affect your arguments. I know racism will always exist from all races towards others but there are some people out there that have moved beyond race and every incident doesn’t always have to do with the color of skin. I would have been supportive if evidence showed that Zimmerman was guilty of a crime but I will continue to argue with anyone who has been heavily influenced by an almost 100% white media with false motives to paint this story into something that would draw viewers in and make them more money as well as push their anti-gun agenda. They doctored video, audio tapes and many other narratives to rile up the African American communities and I think it is a travesty. I hope Zimmerman sues their pants off for defamation and slander.

          • Marvin Lee McManus

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:23 am


            While you are praying that God removes the race blinders from my eyes while assuming that is the reason I hold the opinions I hold, please realize that prayer probably won’t make it past your ceiling. I skirted your response because I didn’t feel the need to reply to you when you have no idea what you’re talking about where I am concerned. You can’t mix a prayer of love and hate all at the same time. Your assumption that just because Trayvon Martin was black and is the reason I feel the way I do is clearly wrong. I am not going to defend that opinion any further to your or anyone else because at the end of the day, you are going to still feel the way that you do and be hypocritical about it. It’s insulting as a believer for you to even try to come across the way that you are when you know for yourself that wisdom is a God-given principal that had it been applied that evening on George Zimmerman’s part, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. You see my friend, Satan comes to divide, and he is certainly doing his job with this issue. I hold my opinions because a young man’s life was taken–POINT-BLANK, PERIOD! The fact that you’re so narrow-minded about it in assuming that because I am black and Trayvon Martin is black, I feel this way, is clearly absurd. For you to talk about race blinders being removed from my eyes while you’re clearly wearing your own is laughable to me. Instead of praying for someone else, you might want to ask God to start with your heart first. You might be amazed at what He reveals to you.

          • Nathanial Poling

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:23 am

            you started with the praying, so don’t lecture me about what to pray about. I think you need to check your own heart, it was obvious this was about race because I doubt this would have made it past local news and into most people’s minds if this case had been black on black or black on white. If you don’t want to face the facts, that is your choice but there are many cases that support my view including the black man in New York who shot a white teenager wearing hoody and was completely found not guilty on all charges. There were no national media showing up, no white race baiters calling for protests. This story would be completely different had Martin not attacked Zimmerman and I would support many of your views but the second Martin decided he was going to do harm to Zimmerman and beat his head against the sidewalk and punch his face in, he set himself up to be shot. Period.. end of story… throw out the race and that is the plain and simple facts.

          • Marvin Lee McManus

            August 19, 2013 / at 10:23 am

            Wow. No wonder there are still horrible race relations in this country. It’s more than obvious no matter what I’ve said or how I’ve expressed myself, you are content to generalize my reaction and my feelings. Having said that, enjoy your prayer time and have a great life. I hope to see you on the other side.

    • Nicole

      August 19, 2013 / at 10:24 am

      I agree with achieving balance in defining all social injustices. However, there was audio in the beginning where he used a racial slur and he has a history of calling on black boys in the neighborhood. Race may not be the only factor but it is.

      • jonathansampson

        August 19, 2013 / at 10:24 am

        Nicole, George called him a “goon,” and a “f*cking punk.” The only evidence of any racial slurs came when Jeantel took the stand and testified that while she was on the phone with Trayvon, Trayvon called George a “creepy ass cracka,” and later a “nigga”.

        George mentored (at least two) black children, took a black girl to prom, and even had the support of blacks in his neighborhood in his role of neighborhood watch. There was absolutely no evidence that Trayvon was racially profiled, or that George is racist.

        • pepjrp

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:25 am

          Great job as you know your stuff. Too bad there are only 1 million of so black people out there to educate on the truth in this matter like you did with Bean and Nicole. Amazing how so many want to believe race hatred and can’t spread it fast enough.

        • Beans

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:25 am

          Hmm.. I think it was “coon” not goon. That is a racial term.

          What does this matter now anyway? Are we all just fighting only for our point of view yet again?? I have yet to see anyone on this forum exchange something meaningful.

          I will never understand this.. we are supposed to be the church.

        • jonathansampson

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:25 am

          The debate was between coon and goon – the difference of c and a g. George’s friend of roughly a decade (and black, if that matters) thinks the term used was “goon,” stating he hasn’t heard anybody younger than their 40’s or 50’s use “coon” as a racial slur. I personally haven’t heard coon used as a derogative; I’ve only ever heard it used as a reference to raccoons.

          When you examine this one ambiguous audio clip in light of everything else, it makes more sense that he said “goon”. After all, Joe Oliver (George’s black friend) said that in a decade he never saw anything that would suggest George is racist. George took a black girl to prom, and mentored young black children. There’s no indication that he views anybody else as being less than he on account of their skin color.

          This debate is important because the church is made up of all different types of people, black and white. Such a tragic story like this can cause great divisions in the visible body, and as such we ought to all be interested in working out the truth, based on reason and evidence, so as to avoid unnecessary issues in the body.

        • pepjrp

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:25 am

          No, he said it is fu****g cold. Google it. Listen to the audio. The FBI stated that was what was said. There was no racist slurs except by Martin.

        • Antoine Mason

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:25 am

          You have an audio where Trayvon said something racist? I’d love to hear it.

        • pepjrp

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:26 am

          So you are calling Rachel Jeantel a liar? Or did you miss her testimony?

        • Beans

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:26 am

          Maybe he did not say a racial term then. I don’t know what was in his mind, but I personally don’t think Zimmerman was a racist. He did however “racially profile” Trayvon. And that is tragic in itself for many reasons…

          Thus, we need to discuss…1. How do we deal with the relatively higher crime rates in the black community? Do people even care to do anything about this as so many say its a “black” problem? 2. How can we stop pigeonholing people into certain stereotypes based on color? Is it the media? What about these statistics, what do the really mean? 3. How can we be more united? See each others points of view? Maybe have more forums where people discuss their experiences?

          I want to have that discussion, but fighting each other is not going to help. What is the point of hurling insults? The bringing up the 1960’s. The pointing out the black on black crime rates as some justification.. Why are people doing this? Just to hurt one another?

          As Christians, how can we be an example of how to come together in difficult situations like this? How can we use the example of Jesus to not pick the speck out of our brother’s eye- but to examine ourselves and ask if we are doing all that we can to make this world a better place?

      • pepjrp

        August 19, 2013 / at 10:27 am

        Wrong Nicole… more lies and inaccuracies by the race hustlers and liberal media. It will take a long time to undue all the lies that too many blacks are more than happy to believe. Nicole, you don’t know the facts. Please learn them.

      • Nathanial Poling

        August 19, 2013 / at 10:27 am

        Nicole, did you listen to the trial? The only racial slurs were coming out of the mouth of Martin according to his friend who was talking to him on the phone.

        • lewrites

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:27 am

          First off, I mean no disrespect…I’m white/native American. But I’ve only ever heard “goon” in reference to black people. And as far as what Jonathan Thompson is saying…I’ve heard and known people who mentor black kids because they want to “civilize” them or just because they want to do their good deed of the day by helping another race.

          I’m not saying Martin was right to say what he said. Far from it. I think both sides did wrong in this case and I don’t believe we will ever know the truth. After all, plenty of people have been able to get away with murder by making everyone believe their story…there was a case in my home state in which a guy killed a teenage girl and got people to lie for him and give him an alibi. Eventually the people did come out and tell the truth, but I’m just saying just because he was acquitted and people said all this stuff about him doesn’t mean they weren’t being dishonest. I’m also not saying that he was being dishonest, either.

          Another case in my home state involved a football player being beaten to death by two guys from another school in the conference. Despite eye witness accounts, one of these two men got off scott free, the other one was able to get a plea deal for manslaughter. People witnessed these two young men sucker punch this guy while he had his back turned to them, and they proceeded to beat him til he was on the ground, unconscious, then they split when they heard the sirens. And one of them manages to walk.

          There’s huge holes in the justice system, just because someone is acquitted doesn’t mean they’re innocent. On the other hand, plenty of people who are proven guilty and even executed that were later found to be innocent. Only two people know for sure what happened that night

        • jonathansampson

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:28 am

          I haven’t ever heard “goon” used as a racial slur for black people. Just went back to check Urban Dictionary and it doesn’t seem to mention race in any of its top definitions.

          A “Goon” is typically somebody dumb, or big. Mafia leaders might send their “goons” out to do their bidding. Just to be thorough I checked the etymology, and it too doesn’t list any racial associations. Attributes it to sailors, muscular individuals, and later in history to delinquents.

          As for what your comments about mentoring young black kids because you want to “civilize them,” we cannot assume people motives based on our own preconceived judgments of them – it’s simply not fair. If George mentored black children, and I have no basis for assuming some grant conspiracy on his part, I have to assume it’s because he genuinely cared about them.

          Bottom line in the Zimmerman case is that the evidence shows George was on bottom. Travyon’s knuckles show that he was punching somebody. George’s head was badly bruised and beaten. He was cooperative even before having a lawyer, even taking the police out to reenact what happened. Detectives took his story over and over, several different times, looking for signs of deceit and found none. By every measure it appears that George was in fear for great bodily harm, or even death. We have no basis for suggesting otherwise.

          I agree that people do terrible things and get away with it, while other people are unjustly punished for crimes they didn’t commit. I don’t think the former applies to George; not based on the evidence. But I do think the latter does as he is now having to hide to protect himself and his family while the world paints him as a racist – causing whites and blacks all over to wish him death.

          There are holes in the system; won’t argue that. But we have no basis for arbitrarily ascribing any outcome as the result of those holes – not without some type of evidence, or solid reasoning. Everything in this case, all of the data we’ve had through months of scrutiny, suggests George has been honest about that night. Eye-witness testimony supports his story. Ear-witness testimony supports his story. The facts don’t misalign themselves with his story. We have to, out of respect for reason, reserve any further speculation and judgement for God.

          If you want to see a clear case of innocent slaughter, look no further than John Spooner. A man in his 70’s shot a young black child twice in broad daylight last year. Knowing “white privilege” won’t protect him, he wound up pleading insanity. That would be a good place to look for racism – the Zimmerman trial is not. Being light-skinned doesn’t let you get away with murder.

        • lewrites

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:28 am

          You’re right, we can’t assume anything, I definitely agree. What I’m trying to do is play devil’s advocate. I know being light skinned does not get you away with murder (in the case of the guy killing a girl, the guy was white, in the case of the football player, all parties were black).
          But it’s not entirely outside of the box to think…well…outside of the box. Urban Dictionary I don’t really go to for a lot of information because a lot of what I hear around where I live is so different from what’s placed up on that site. Perhaps my region assigns different words different meanings. Just like a thumbs up in certain societies is equivalent to the middle finger.
          I was sexually abused as a young kid by a person whom no one would have ever suspected would do such a thing. A good track record, good parents, seemingly a good person. Everyone assumed as much…right? If someone is so good, how could they do something like that to me?
          Suffice it to say, this case brings up good discussion points, regardless of whether or not racism was the motivation. Yeah, the media fed on it, and it was sickening that they did so. I was a media major in college, we’re taught to be unbiased, but some people sell out to the corporation to make a better story, it’s wrong.
          This is why I pray for both families, I leave it up to God to be the final judge, because in the end, He is the only one who has the place to do so. I’m sorry if I caused any disrespect, I meant none.

        • pepjrp

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:28 am

          Goon is no racial slur by any notion. All in your head.

        • Antoine Mason

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:28 am

          Wow you are really racist.

    • pepjrp

      August 19, 2013 / at 10:30 am

      The media doesn’t care about your story, because you are not Black. Whites and Hispanics are in the cross-hairs for racist leaders like Jackson and Sharptin.

    • pepjrp

      August 19, 2013 / at 10:30 am

      You exactly correct as this author erroneously brought in race when he said that Zimmerman profiled Martin and you prudently gave the facts that were left out. Racial hatred can foster when people report irresponsibly. He also left out or doesn’t know that Martin did not walk on the sidewalks when going home, he cut through yards just a few feet from houses and doors bringing suspicion upon himself. Zimmerman reported that live to the 911 operator as he walked and eyed Martin. Just as he reported live that Martin was gone and he had lost him. Why did Martin come back as minutes went by and why is this all important fact omitted by the networks and the masses? A fact he has stated many times, but always left out by the black masses and of course, the race hustlers like Jackson and Sharptin.

    • BQPhotography

      August 19, 2013 / at 10:30 am

      This is true! I hope and pray we can evolve from this

  • gdoggydog05

    August 19, 2013 / at 10:31 am

    the problem is, also, that no one will admit that it is also racist for people to CHOOSE this case as the important one that everyone is tuned in to, and has an opinion on, on the basis of race. i appreciate your thoughtfulness above, as this is one of the less ignorant posts that I have read, but I am a white 26 year old male from the suborbs and I have also been grieved by this case. It’s not just the profiling that proves racism is still alive. The fact that this case is known at all is racism at its purest form. We are talking about this case because a black boy is dead. We have deemed a black trajedy (maybe it happens more often, and that’s tragic, but not my point here) to be more important than all the other thousands of tragedies every day. There are all sorts of trajedies of black people killing white folks and even racially motivated ones, that are not reported and glazed over, and this too, is becoming a normal thing. At the Wisconsin fair, I believe it was, a few years ago a flash mob made up of African American teenagers ransacked the fair and coordinated attacks against whites-only, in some cases they punched elderly people in the face, walked into local homes and business with numbers and stole and intimidated with force, and no media coverage. Could you imagine if a group of white teenagers targeted blacks? The media chooses, and if you choose, if you only focus on the “only a black person can understand” side of this case, that a black tragedy is the most important one, even now, while hispanics, chinese, whites, are killed in a similar fashion. This case might be symbolic of some sort of black “struggle,” i understand that. But this is not the way to solve it. I know for a face that this just widens the chasm between us. You have told me as a white man that I don’t understand how it is to be profiled, but actually I was profiled all those same ways, as a young man. I agree, it is moreso with dark colored skin, but “young” has something to do with it too. You say i’ll never understand, but maybe you’ll never understand what it makes me feel like when all my black christian brothers focus on martin, and don’t even acknowledge the fact that it is wrong in the first place to choose this trajedy as more important those the hundreds of similar trajedys that occur daily. I do believe it is sin. That’s an opinion. That some sort of sinful mindset is behind it any instance of choosing one race over another. And I believe ” you haven’t been in my shoes” only widens that chasm between races and is an unfair statement. Do you know what it is like for me to not go to college, because I don’t have 8 grand laying around, while watching African Americans with the same grades getting my spot and a scholarship? You probably don’t. My point is, that any time you say “you don’t know what it is like to be my color,” you aren’t doing anything productive, because I can never be your color. I believe that blacks are just as blind to the issues that are causing a deep divide between races. African Americans are watching this Travon Martin thing and thinking one thing, while Whites are thinking something entirely different. “Is it just and right for this case to be chosen as important, and famous, and bigger than all the rest, on the basis of race?” I have yet to see one African American Christian to mention this. And to ignore that fact is to be ignorant. There may be some truth that blacks are profiled, but choosing to put a case on a display based on race is wrong, and disrespectful to other races that are killed just like travon was.

    • Deborah Bilbo-Coney

      August 19, 2013 / at 10:47 am

      Gdoggy, everything you have said makes sense. I am black and the mother of two sons who I raised to see people for their character and kindness not the color of their skin. My sons have dated white girls, Hawaiian girls, etc. and I always told them I had no problem with it because we are all created by one God who is just and fair. Man created this divide long ago at the Tower of Babel. This being said, on to the trial. Yes, Trayvon’s case was aired and it was a preference of a combination of persistent people and those drawing attention to the case. What some black people don’t understand is that black people are racist too. We have to make a conscious effort to not blame everything on race. It is not about race alone, it is about George Zimmerman not obeying the police when they told him “NOT TO FOLLOW.” Now some of the negative conclusions have been drawn from his disobedience to the very law which in the end protected him with the Stand Your Ground law. I feel great sympathy for Trayvon’s family, especially his mother not because he was a black boy but because he was a MOTHER’S CHILD! Crime is wrong no matter who commits it but was he really committing a crime by not walking on the sidewalk? Zimmerman was too quick to act, he should have waited a little longer to see what Trayvon’s actions were, if he was going to look in a window or try to break in a door before following him. BOTTOM LINE IS GEORGE ZIMMERMAN DISOBEYED A DIRECT COMMAND FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT! Do the math.

      • gdoggydog05

        August 19, 2013 / at 10:47 am

        thanks for your understanding my comments. to hear from african americans like you, does give me hope. i agree george zimmerman was acting foolishly. he should have waited for cops, no matter how angry he was that the neighborhood kept getting broken into….yes you are right. none the less, for disobeying that command alone, i dont think he should go to prison for life or be charged with murder. we must look at the individual incident. not necessarily what happens. let me give you an example. ok two examples that i think keep justice in mind. in one case, a man litters…. he knows its wrong but in a moment of weakness, while driving down the road he throws his milkshake from mcdonalds out the window….. later on, someone sees the milshake, thinks its a bunny rabitt (i know these examples are ridiculous, bear with me) and swerves, wrecks the car and dies. what is the man guilty of? murder? …. no he is guilty of littering. all sin leads to murder. sin is the reason why Christ had to die. But here on earth, we are judged according to the crime, to keep order. Okay, here’s another similar scenario where a lesser action causes a bigger reaction. A lazy person who doesn’t work hard enough on focusing during important tasks like looking after her 2 year old son…. has her infant in the car with the car running and garage door down… forgets her cell phone in the house….. a call comes through, she spends on hour on the call and comes out and her child is dead. What is she guilty of? Just laziness and absent-mindedness? Well, her child cannot defend himself. He is a child. She knew she was responsible and her negligent act caused his death. This is manslaughter. The child had no part in it.Only she is guilty. Ok, zimmerman should be guilty of obstruction of justice and maybe some other things …. but, if its true that travon turned on him and was hitting him, and then he shot him. George Zimmerman is guilty of disobeying the police. But there is another free will party involved. If Travon had, say, 3 choices….. run (he was almost definitely faster….. go inside….. or perhaps be angry and confront george as to why he was hassling him. don’t know what he did. That’s the point. If he was trying to get away and was hunted down by zimmerman, its murder. But if travon, in pride, wanted to be aggressive (i can understand this….in the past, this would have been me )…. then at that point, he also made a free will decision that played into the final result. The problem is we dont know which one of those occured. If we start charging people based on the ripple effects of our lies, and all our sins….i think you would find that we should all be locked away. George zzimmerman is guilty of obstructing with the police….and may be guilty of more, but without being there, i just don’t know what.

        • Beans

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:47 am

          Zimmerman not getting charged is what I think the outrage really was about. I am black but my support is not based on race at all. If the races were turned around I would feel 100% the exact same way. A man with a gun versus a kid.

          I also think that when you are the creator of the peril or dangerous situation.. you are culpable to some degree… I just wish FL had some law that could punish him, because Z went out looking for trouble that night.

          I truly believe if a cop approached Trayvon, Trayon though upset, would still be alive today. I guess that is why I am so upset. I just see this situation as a kid who lost his life being held to the same, if not more, responsibility as a man.

        • pepjrp

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:47 am

          You don’t know the facts either bean. Get the truth and maybe you will feel better.

          • Rita

            December 9, 2014 / at 2:24 pm

            SB, Off all the youtubes that is the most ofniesfve I have ever seen. She is as racist as Sharpton and Jackson. I have never been so embarassed of my country ever since that black SOB won on a crooked race!When she wears those leggings off AF1 I go f’king nuts.

        • pepjrp

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:47 am

          He didn’t disobey! Get the facts. You don’t know them all.

      • Nathanial Poling

        August 19, 2013 / at 10:48 am

        They said you don’t have to follow him… that doesn’t seem to be a direct command. Furthermore, an operator on 9-1-1 doesn’t have ultimate authority. It was awful that a boy had to die, but I doubt your well brought up boys would have ever attacked Mr. Zimmerman and beat his head against the sidewalk and broke his nose. He would have asked them who they were, they could have answered politely and why they were running between houses in a gated community and life goes on.

      • pepjrp

        August 19, 2013 / at 10:48 am

        Your a nice lady Deborah, but you are wrong as can be when you said it is about George Zimmerman not obeying the police when they told him “NOT TO FOLLOW.” He didn’t disobey anyone. Listen to the audio on Youtube! He said OK and started walking back to his truck. He was out of breath when he was following Martin, but after he said OK, the heavy breathing stopped as he answered a couple of more questions about the address for the cops and then he hangs up as a number of minutes had gone by and he clearly states that he doesn’t know where Martin went. Martin was only 50 yards from his home, but he came back on the scene. Your comment of BOTTOM LINE IS GEORGE ZIMMERMAN DISOBEYED A DIRECT COMMAND FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT is totally nonfactual and you don’t seem like the kind of person who wants to spread lies. You have been lied to as have 1,000’s and 1,000’s of others! Listen and research and you will find out that I am telling you the truth! And technically, the 911 operator said to Zimmerman “We don’t need you to do that”. Zimmerman said OK and you can hear that he stopped running. Get the facts don’t believe the racist lies.

    • Andrew Keeter

      August 19, 2013 / at 10:49 am

      Trip I have to
      agree with gdoggydog05
      because he explains his scenario very well.
      This confrontation between Zimmermann and Martin was something that
      happens on a daily basis in this country and as much of a tragedy as it is to
      see a young man killed, it’s more of a tragedy to see the media turn this into
      a racial driven trial with no possible good outcome if Zimmermann was found not
      guilty. That night Trayvon was shot
      there was no racial profiling by Zimmermann that can be proven. The media along with Jesse Jackon, Al
      Sharpton, President Obama, The New Black Panther Party and other big time
      African American celebrities stood up to give their views on what they think
      happened when no one except Trayvon Martin and George Zimmermann truly knew what
      happened. These actions created a storm
      of racial violence talk that couldn’t be stopped. I think we should pray for both sides of this
      trial and ask that God step in to console those who are hurting, angered, and
      confused about this entire situation.
      Satan has control of the media in this country and he does what he wants
      with it. You only hear about the stories
      that will get the most attention so then these biased media stations can sell
      air time for businesses to show commercials.
      I mean how much more do you think they charged during the times of this
      trial on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and other affiliates so that businesses could get
      their commercials on selling their products to the public. It’s not about reporting the news on the
      death of a young man way before his time and the person who shot him…’s
      about money which is the root of all evil.
      These media stations have been showing this trail for the past three
      weeks collecting more and more money just loving it. I bet they hoped the trial would go on longer
      so they could keep raking in the profits.
      It’s sick how we give so much of our lives to the TV and obey it like it
      is our teacher when we should be focusing on Jesus. You even have a song talking about taking
      your eyes of you and putting them on Him.
      We need to take our eyes off the TV and focus on our own community and churches. If we live in California, Virginia, New York,
      Montana, Texas, etc… we can’t change what happened in Florida where Trayvon
      was shot, but we can change the way our community acts. We teach our children about God, Jesus, and
      the Holy Spirit. We elect community
      leaders, government officials, police chiefs, mayors, etc that stand for our Christian
      values and won’t back down when they are threatened by those who still have the
      veil over their eyes. We can’t keep
      focusing on what is happening hours away when our own community is struggling
      from the same issues. I’m a white 28
      male who has served this country fighting in the Iraq war. I deployed to a country where they have
      nothing and saw all the many things I still take for granted today that these
      people would give an arm or leg to have.
      It made me realize there are much bigger problems in this world than the
      minor bickering we continue to do. Satan
      wants to rile people up and get them all upset over racial violence. Someone else said it in their post, but I’ll
      say it too. The only color we need to be
      concerned with is the color red—representing the blood of Jesus. I truly feel your pain in having racial
      profiling because when I was younger I had my own and still today I see
      it. Gdoggydog05 made a great point about
      white children who can’t go to college because they don’t have the thousands of
      dollars lying around to blow, but children of other races are able to get money
      from the government to help them out.
      Same thing goes for jobs at fast food or businesses like that. I was racially profiled when I was younger
      trying to get a job at McDonalds and two kids who were a different race then me
      got the job and I didn’t. It’s not fair,
      but life isn’t fair sometimes and that is just showing you that Satan is
      getting at you. If God can forgive all
      your sin why would skin color be an issue with Him? Racial profiling is of this world, Satan is
      the ruler of this world until Jesus comes back to take it back. Until then we must live in this world, but we
      don’t have to live for this world. We
      live for things higher than this world putting ourselves above race. We all have gone through struggles. Some have gone through struggles that were
      caused by the color of their skin. Some
      went through struggles because the way their body looks. Some went through internal struggles that
      were caused from birth. Some have done
      stuff they feel they could never get over and what happened to all these people
      when they came to know Christ? They all
      had help with their struggles. He will
      not let us fall and He will guide us through the struggles. This Trayvon vs Zimmermann thing needs to
      stop because a verdict has been reached.
      The justice system has done its job and we need to look at the
      facts. If this case was between two
      people of the same color we as a nation would have never heard of it and the
      same verdict would have been reached without anyone knowing. We need to stop letting the media and
      celebrities control our thoughts. If we
      put our faith in man then we will fail.
      Stop focusing on them and put your eyes on HIM.

    • Shope

      August 19, 2013 / at 10:50 am

      Whites have attacked blacks for no just cause. Remember the KKK?

  • Matty

    August 19, 2013 / at 10:51 am

    While I completely agree with everything said here, I think it’s important to follow the facts and not our emotions in this case. Local police and the FBI have determined that racism did not play a role in this case. They found no evidence that Zimmerman profiled Martin based on his race. They found evidence that Zimmerman profiled Martin based on suspicious activity. Zimmerman only responded when asked by the police with what race Martin was. He didn’t call up and say he was following a young black man. I’m not saying it wasn’t racial profiling. But the evidence does not allow us to make that determination. And blindly choosing to believe it was racial when there is no evidence to that fact makes the case racial when it doesn’t need to be. Race didn’t come up in the trial. If the prosecution believed Zimmerman was acting out of racist motives, don’t you think that would have come up? The prosecution needed to get the jurors on their side…painting Zimmerman as a racist would have been the best way to do that.

    The issue you spoke about is incredibly real and incredibly ugly. I’m just arguing that in this case, painting it as a racist matter when the evidence doesn’t support it is dangerous and unhealthy.

  • Samuel Coleman

    August 19, 2013 / at 10:51 am

    Watch this Video….

    Trip I love and Respect you, your music and your message but I totally agree with Jonathan Sampson below….

    I do agree that there is definitely racism today but this case getting media attention is a bunch of crap.

    All of the cases that Glen Beck talked about GOT 000000000 Media attention…. Why ??/ bec we have a Liberal non Christian Country who is following the Father the Devil…. And we have a President who plays the race card ever minute .. why ? To get what he wants …. not for Justice not for Truth….

    As a white man my brother was held at gun point bec he was white.. as a white man My father and his college friend were out witnessing and Got circled by a gang of Blacks bec white boys were not supposed to be in that area of town.. my brothers friend got pistol wiped and let them go.. My dad spoke the words of the Holy Spirit, asking the men ” are you hungry” and God knowing they had not eaten in a few days saved my Father…….

    No I am not a black man but I feel horrible for Trayvon and when there is REAL racism…

    Our Country is going down the drain.. Romans 1. God has given us up to the Depraved mind…. What we have seen is nothing in comparison to what is going to come.. Mark my wards if America continues in the way that it is going it will be Illegal to be a Christian and we will be murdered in the streets..

  • Dave

    August 19, 2013 / at 10:51 am

    Appreciate the article, Trip.
    One thing I think that’s good for us as Christians to keep in mind is that we should hate racism/injustice period, no matter what form or fashion it comes in or color it’s directed towards. The sad thing about things like this case concerning Trayvon is the gap often becomes wider & it seems more steps are taken backwards rather than forwards, because many default to taking natural sides (color for instance) rather than choosing sides based on justice/injustice. The kingdom of God must change the way the lenses we’re wearing see the world. We have to be about acting justly over acting according to our own race. We have to be about loving mercy over being fueled by selfish anger.
    This is not ultimately a racial issue. This is a human sin issue that shows itself in many different forms, sometimes by taking sides based on race. People from all different races stereotype & profile eachother. We must not set up a certain color (different than our own) as the enemy. Individuals with sinful hearts stereotype. It’s not the races in & of themselves ultimately that do that. If we forget that & live below the line of that which is expected of kingdom citizens, we’ll draw lines based on race & just end up adding to the noise.
    May we fight for justice where it needs to be fought for, not simply for those we can relate to, but for those who are in need regardless. Satan & Sin are the enemies. And they have been defeated by Jesus at the cross & the empty tomb. May we first be defined by the color red over any other, the color of the blood of Christ that washed us clean.

    • Nicole

      August 19, 2013 / at 10:55 am

      I definitely agree that race is ultimately a sin issue, it is not to be denied. But defining specific sin issues helps us tackle them more effectively. Sex trafficking is at the root, a lust issue but tackling that is very different than tackling a personal sin addiction. The Bible has many examples of such specifications as well. And all activism should work toward pointing people to Christ, the only real solution.

      • Beans

        August 19, 2013 / at 10:55 am

        I am Christian first, black second- or third or to be honest I am just a Christian. I support Trayvon and his family not because he was black, but because he was a kid. A death sentence for a punch is too hard a sentence for my heart or my conscience to handle. Trayvon had so much to learn in life… Did we not end eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth justice with Jesus? Could Trayvon not have been shot in the arm or the leg? Why his heart? I am just so sad for the loss of life, and it would not matter what color he was- A child is dead. I also think as the adult, Zimmerman has more responsibility (in my eyes) to keep the situation calm. Now, did he do that? Communicate in a friendly way that he was the watch? Only God knows. And only God will render true justice.
        “All I know is I am not home and this [world] is not where I belong.”

        • Nathanial Poling

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:56 am

          Are you assuming Zimmerman aimed for his heart? I am sure Zimmerman would have preferred to not kill the teenager that was trying to beat his brains out.

        • Beans

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:56 am

          The bullet went straight through the heart, so it would be valid to assume that was Zimmerman’s intent.

          Whatever his preference was cannot change what he actually did. I am pretty sure if I was getting hurt, and I had a gun (which is unlikely), I would shoot his stomach, arm, leg- somewhere else apart from his heart.

        • Nathanial Poling

          August 19, 2013 / at 10:56 am

          apparently you have never been in a fight… if you had that much time to aim you could have shot in the air and let the guy run away

  • Tylor

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:00 am

    let’s continue discussing the issue of racism, yes. but stop falsely associating racism with this case. after a year of collecting evidence nobody was ever able to find any shred of proof of racism in zimmerman’s past or on that night. let’s stop chasing ghosts and focus on real racism – like the kind the media showed throughout this case to stir up racial animosity and tear us apart just to increase their ratings.

  • Tony Cline

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:00 am

    Is it racist to assume that a black man is more of a danger than other races when African-Americans make up 12.6% of the population but commit 49.7% of murders, as well as a highly disproportionate percentage of rapes, assaults, robberies, and every other crime the FBI tracks except for DUI? Is that racist, or is it just intelligent decision-making based on relevant facts? I am not saying that racism does not exist; it does, and on all sides. However, there is more to the conversation than saying that everyone who feels unsafe around people that are statistically much more likely to be violent criminals is a racist.

  • Washington DC Evangelists

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:00 am

    “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” ~ Romans 12:19-21

  • C.

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:01 am

    I don’t really disagree with anything you said, especially with how ugly it is when people aren’t given the benefit of the doubt in those day to day moments. But having been friends with some cops I know that, for some of them, giving that benefit of the doubt would have gotten them killed. This world is so broken and nasty sometimes, with guilt and junk all over the place. Only Jesus can pull us out of it.

    I hate that you had to deal with that stuff. And I hate that in some ways profiling is a super ugly, awful necessity (not in the Zimmerman case). Its hard too, with media and culture that embraces the sort of image that almost preaches open, aggressive, arrogant lawlessness. And that there are people making money off of this culture of violence and Godlessness. And that so many people who don’t understand what’s it’s like to be the other guy could care less about knowing what it means to be the other guy.

    I love that God’s love is so much mightier than the world. I just wish that God’s love would be more often displayed in the world through us, and not despite us.

    The conversation should definitely continue. :)

    Great stuff Mr. Lee. God Bless!

  • apallo95

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:01 am

    while racism is a big deal a lot of people seem to forget that zimmerman was latino himself. just putting that out there as a fact that should be kept in mind when this case is discussed

  • Lizzi

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:01 am

    I believe a very effective way of fighting against racism is to have God-fearing, honest black men who live lives that undermine the stereotype for us to point to and say No, sin is the problem, not race. I have a very high opinion of almost all of the black men and women who I’ve been privileged to call friends and mentors. I’m more likely to be biased in their favor than anything else… Reach Records is a huge factor in this, for a blonde girl growing in grace and being edified hugely by their music. What you are doing is very helpful.

  • Lynn

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:02 am

    Amen and Amen!! We must love with the love of Christ and pray for both families that are involved. Racism is real and is heartbreaking for me to see. Thank you for sharing this!

  • MIchael

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:02 am

    I wrote this early this evening before I read your post, which I totally get by the way, and I thought I would share it

    So in case you were hiding under a rock Zimmerman was found not guilty the other day. Some will congratulate, others will cry foul. This ruling has divided the country and in some cases even the church. I was reading a comment today from a person in the media, and their comments really made my blood boil. Personally I’ve given this a lot of thoughts, and I have my opinions, but this post isn’t about what I do or don’t think about Zimmerman’s aquital. Jesus said that the Thief comes to steal, kill and destroy….(John 10:10) Division is a silent killer. It grows from the seeds of bitterness that are planted in our hearts when we take our eyes off Jesus and the will come out if we aren’t careful. Luke 6:45 says “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. ”

    When Jesus began his ministry the desciples saw Jesus as politcal activist. They were expecting Jesus to swoop in and right every wrong that Rome had ever done to the Jews. They probably were okay with Jesus cracking some Roman heads if it meant rectifying years of occupation. Yet from day one Jesus preached love and servant hood. At some point the disciples probablly figured out Jesus wasn’t going to Bruce Lee anybody. I wonder what they thought of that privately? The Jewish people had dealt with occupation for a very long time. In fact I believe from the last book of the Old Testament to the time of Jesus was something like 400 years. THose seeds of resentment and bitterness from being occupied had blossomed and they were ready to get even. The Messiah had finally come and it was time to rally the troops, hand out pitchforks and storm the castle. Yet while they were lighting the torches Jesus was out preaching love your neighbor and do unto others as you want them to do unto you. That had to drive them crazy. To add insult to injury as Jesus hung from the cross, He asked that the Father would forgive them, because they didn’t truly know what they were doing. So what does this all mean?

    Jesus was an activist of love and as his brothers and sisters we are implored, no we are commanded to do the same. Because at the end of the day Love is the only thing that will ever changes anything. We can storm a castle, and protest all we want, but there will always be a hidden agenda if we aren’t aware of it first. Love heals wounded hearts and unites broken relationships. Love, builds up, encourages, and comforts. Love doesn’t condemn, or reject, it embraces. We are quick to forget that while we were yet ALL SINNERS Christ died his shed blood was made available to: The rich, the poor, the black, the white, (and every shade in between)the straight, the gay, the fatherless, the hopeless, the homeless, the oppressed, the rejected, the religious, the islamic, the terrorist, the child molester the thief, the bank president, the lawyer, the fireman, politician, doctor, and every other person that has every drawn a breath on this earth, Jesus died for them. If there is a protest to be made then let it be at the gates of Hell by the bride of Christ, stating that We will love, we will serve, we will forgive as Jesus has done for us.

  • Eric

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:02 am

    Why is it African American, I don’t call myself Irish American, I’m just American, I was born here not in Ireland. See that’s where segregation starts dividing up into groups, then the we’re better than you, starts. That segregation breeds racism, both were in the wrong, Trayvon, was for slamming Georges’ head into the ground, plus if he wasn’t doing anything wrong why wouldn’t he just comply? George should have listened to the dispatcher and let the cops handle it. But the burning of the American flag, not African American, Mexican American, Irish American, English American, or Scottish American flag, just American, is wrong. That’s like stepping on the hearts of every American that died protecting everything it stands for. The death threats to Georges family and numerous in the name of Trayvon killings that have occurred are way wrong. The Lord says turn to them your other cheek, or have we forgotten who is in charge here. Trayvon was no saint, and George was no murderer, they were both victims of circumstance. No one should have gotten beat up and no one should have lost their life. This was all a political play for power and the great deceiver has got what he wanted. Stay rooted in your word not media.

    • Beans

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:06 am

      I would LOVE to be considered just an American. Not an African American. But society alas will not allow me that. I am just as American as any one else. But the media has caused so much of a divide.. and people have bought into it.
      I remember one of the first jobs I had. A white lady sat next to me and told me.. “So do you know you are the first African -American we have hired?” She smiled and looked so proud. Meanwhile, I felt ashamed, like some spectacle monkey that arrived at the zoo ready to show them how well their “first” black employee would do. Why did she have to point that out and make me feel so… weird? I just wanted to be a normal kid at her second job out of college, but instead I became a paranoid mess..
      So why do I say African American? Well, do I have a choice?

  • gabetaviano

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:06 am

    Awesome words, Trip. Sorry you’ve had to go through the situations you have. I admire you for speaking out about this, and for reminding those of us that have not. Press on!!!

  • David

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:07 am

    Trip Sharpton,

    This had nothing to do with racism. Oh, I forgot, you are black so you think that you have the moral authority to accuse anyone of racism. The rest of us are all racists. Sorry, that garbage has been stinking long enough. Time to empty the trash and yes it is time to move on.

  • geebee

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:08 am

    I AM sorry you have experienced racial profiling in your life. I, too, have been stared at and ignored for just saying
    “good morning” to store clerks or folks I pass on the street. I have also been threatened and told I did not belong in a neighborhood and had better leave, because I am white. My daughter has been denied her right to vote twice, but I don’t think she is “disenfranchised”. But then I don’t have hate mongers like Al Sharpton and theNAACP speaking for me; only about me. As a nation, and as the Body of Christ, I think we need to think LESS about race and our differences and diversity, We need to get back to being the “great American melting pot” as a nation, and to remind ourselves that we are all equal at the foot of the cross as the Church. The more race and racism is discussed, the more hatred I experience, which in turn, as a survival mechanism, makes me suspicious of other races and less likely to extend the Gospel to them. And if you don’t want to be treated like a possible thug, or wise guy, or redneck, don’t dress and act like one.

  • Leslie Pollard Stivers

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:08 am

    I loved this post. I appreciate hearing your experiences and my heart breaks to remember the reality that profiling happens every day. I can’t help, however, to ask what you and others think of what this case says of reverse racism. It seems to me that the black community right now is completely ignoring the facts of the case (you can watch the whole thing on YouTube) and singling in on the profiling thing (no one knows for sure if Zimmerman did so and the character evidence in the trial suggests that GZ was not as racist as people have made him out to be). What if Trayvon was high (marijuana in his system, found in the autopsy)? What if his character suggests he might have been a thug? What if he did in fact pursue George and throw the first blow? These things and much more were discussed at length in the trial and the evidence suggests that though Zimmerman could have made wiser choices (not gotten out of his truck, for example), he didn’t do anything illegal. We don’t know all the answers to these questions, but just because a young man is black doesn’t mean that if he looks and acts like a thug he won’t be profiled as one. No one seems to acknowledge that this violent kid (with his father in Sanford because he was suspended for fighting, stealing, drug use, etc) made wrong decisions too. I want to see a post from a black man or woman that cries out for an end to the thuggery within in their community. I want us minorities to be about the business of teaching our young men and women to look more like Christ. Though my two young boys are a bit lighter-skinned than I am and may not have the same experiences that I did, I will tell them to keep smiling at people who clutch their bags and never forsake doing good. I don’t deny that racism exists, but it seems to me that it is flagrantly worse from blacks right now. The white hatred seethes with evil and ignorance. People are doing the very thing they hate. There is no peace, no forgiveness, ultimately no faith in God to right the wrongs in the world or to trust Him to redeem it all. Individuals jump on the opportunity to call someone a racist. Christians have got to hold up truth in all things. We can’t play the race game, we are about changing culture–not making a better “black” culture or “white” culture, but holding up and exalting a Judeo-Christian culture that encourages things like love, peace, and forgiveness. Christians must see this case in light of the truth, and not participate in the war cries and witch hunt that is taking place right now. Pray for both families. Christ have mercy on us all. More of my thoughts on race & culture here: I welcome visitors and feedback.

  • Scott Lee Sherwood

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:08 am

    As a fellow brother in Christ, I will first say that I know this is a complex issue that the church as a whole seems to get mired in all the time with no real resolution, even if the “solution” (Jesus) is right next to us. So I do want to show the love of God in my response to your blog, no matter what my convictions.

    In reading your blog, your point seemed to indicate that GZ should have been convicted of 2nd degree murder simply because he “racially profiled” TM. This is not how the judicial system works. You can’t ask a jury to give you a “moral” win and mete out justice simply because the other guy doesn’t like the color of your skin. The facts are that GZ is not white despite what the media/NAACP/Celebrity Hollywood/and Rev Al would like you to believe. He is of a mixed ethnicity of Hispanic/Latino descent and grew up in a multicultural family. He “profiled” TM because of burglaries that had recently happened in the gated community. With a hoodie on and jeans, following someone from behind, you can’t tell what race/ethnicity they are. I coach football and wear hoodies all the time in the fall, and my own dog has barked at me coming into my house when I’ve had my hoodie on because she didn’t recognize me. You can’t walk into most banks or credit unions wearing a hoodie. They will stop and ask you to remove it. Same goes for hats and sunglasses in most financial institutions. Are they “racially profiling”? Of course not, but it is “profiling”, and this isn’t wrong. We ALL do it to each other all the time. And yes, I have been followed by store security before, and I have been stopped by police and questioned before, and in every convenience store near most high schools, they won’t let students come in with backpacks and they limit the number of students in the store. I live in California and the city I live is multicultural. In most of the stores like my local Safeway and Walmart, the security or loss prevention teams have many minorities of black, asian, Hispanic ethnicities. If they suspect someone of possibly committing a crime, or fitting a “profile”, is it racism if they follow them around the store or keep an eye on them, or even stop them for questioning if they are both black..? I’ve seen it happen, so it’s a legitimate question.
    It seems to me that most of the folks that are upset with the verdict and are being the most vocal about it are ranting that somehow TM’s civil rights were violated. In today’s day and age, with rampant crime and disregard for human life, where words like HONOR and INTEGRITY are lost in a sea of “what’s in it for me” and a rampant entitlement mentality, most of these folks couldn’t give you the proper definition of “civil rights”. They line up behind jackwagons like Rev Al Sharpton, and the NAACP and exploit social ignorance from people like Rachel Jeantel and make her the poster child for their racism case. Really? These are the folks picked to fight the “civil rights” racism battle for the black community? These are who you want to stand with? Please. I think Dr. Martin Luther King would weep if he saw what a circus folks like these have turned the racism and civil rights fight, into. The fact is that racism is not the main enemy anymore for black America. Not even close. Black on Black crime, birthed by the continual breakdown of the family unit, and catalyzed by a system that says that the gov’t owes you something, and will take care of you, is a good place to start, if you really want to hit the biggest giant the black community faces. Meanwhile, there are some that focus on solutions and are tackling some of these mindsets. The folks at National Center for Public Policy Research and their Project 21 Initiative are folks that I will align myself with and support all day long.
    Ultimately, Christ’s love will win. It always does. And it will happen one heart at a time.
    Let me end by saying that I know that racism exists and happens everyday. But we are bigger than that. Every race or ethnicity that has experienced the vile bite of racism has been created by God to overcome and be bigger than that hatred. The great men and women of black American history primarily made their mark for generations by not letting racism consume them. They rose above the circumstances and prevailed anyway. They could have quit and used racism as an excuse, but they didn’t. That same perseverance and strength from God Almighty is there for any of us to tap into no matter what any of us face.
    Thanks for reading, and God Bless You..!!

  • alan_d

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:09 am

    Trip, I appreciate the educated, nonpartisan, Christian viewpoint of this post. Just to get it out there, I’m a 26yr old white grad student from AL living in OK. However, after graduating from Auburn 4 years ago, I went to live in the D.R. Congo for 2 years. I admit, growing up, before I was a Christian, I was as much of a racist as 85% of the suburban culture around me was. However, the new-heart that Christ has given me has changed that.
    The point is, while living in the Congo, literally everyone around me at any given time was black. I loved the people I lived around, worked around, and almost everyone I met. However, in that culture, there were still people I profiled. Young men walking in the market without anything to sell, or any interest in anything, for example. My pockets were cleared twice, though I was quick enough to grab the guys and get my nokia brick back. Also, the police were *generally* corrupt. I profiled them every time I saw anyone in uniform. I was stopped, arrested, or harassed more times than I can count by the police/soldiers, as were many of the locals that I knew. Does that make it racist for me to profile those types of people because they happened to be black? In the same way, how is it racist when I move my wife to the other side of my body when walking past a white man that I think looks suspicious? Its the same concept, and I submit that it is not racism. My point is that profiling is a natural human instinct and *can be* racist, but it isn’t always.

  • Adolf

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:09 am

    If any person doesn’t want to be a criminal, perhaps they shouldn’t wear the uniform. Today, almost 70 years after world war 2. What would you think of someone wearing a nazi uniform? It’s just clothes right?

  • gdoggydog05

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:10 am

    also. i feel it is racist. to award or discipline based on race. and it is racist that if your a white journalist, like me….you get fired if you say the wrong thing about race. but if your a black journalist you can say that more white kids must die, in order for America to understand racism (link at bottom). look, this is my point. i am only harping on these things, because i want christians to understand that there will always be race issues on both sides. i don’t think we should go the same route as the world and latch on to them. for every instance of racism against blacks, you can find some against other races. although i do understand that slavery was a horrid thing and my ancesters, truly, will never understand white my black brothers and sisters ancestors have gone through.we should not cater to any race to try to “equalize” things. proof in point is that the one true God would never do this!!! Would God almighty hand out scholarships based on race??? NEVER NEVER NEVER. Maybe based on income. But God would never show favor based on race. Israel was chosen, not because of anything in them, but God’s good purposes only. My “old friends” resent this, and it only increases their racist thoughts. “Handouts” and “double standards” anger them. And the argument that sort-of says “i just cant understand the struggle” is deeply hurtful to me. it says that i can only go so far with my black brothers… i’ll never really be their brother though, cause I don’t understand what its like to be them. It says that the experiences of the black man divide us, more than Christ unites us. That is what I see this article unintentionally saying. I actually do know what it is like to be profiled. I was a kid once. We all go through tough times. You may not know what its like to have a mom with cancer, like me. Or you may not know what it was like to be sent to home for bad kids when i was 12 years old, neglected by my white, affluent, suburban family and left to wonder why they didn’t love me. Let’s not start keeping score here. This totally is a warped improper perspective to focus on those unique experiences. Let us come together and rejoice that we have been given grace when we deserved death.

    • Alex Ericsson

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:11 am

      I HIGHLY DOUBT that Trip is seeking to alienate brothers and sisters on the basis of race. He’s a black man in a predominantly white church for which he has often and without pause expressed gratefulness. But there are elements of being black in America that are unique and thoroughly incongruent with other cultural experiences!

      So PLEASE, I beg of you all, understand the difference between genuine empathy and meaningful sympathy. As we walk with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we will have few opportunities to counsel from a place empathy borne of shared experience but we will often be called to the patient, loving work of meaningful sympathy. That is where we listen to the hardships people have experienced, never minimizing the validity of his or her suffering by offering counter-examples to trump their experience, and frequently assuming that our counsel, though it may serve the individual, will not be an immediate panacea to assuage their pain, frustration, or even anger.

      Regardless of any flawed perspectives on this case or race, too many of
      us in the church (esp. via social media) wax eloquent on the things of the world but end up
      sounding more like Job’s insensitive friends. Now is a time when people are confused and very upset. People of ALL colors are displeased with the outcome of this case. Most of them need patience and genuine comfort. Not a lecture on the legal system or “corrupt media”, not bait-and-switch examples, nor disdainful political punditry. Point them to Jesus like you with gentleness.

  • Dinah Robinson

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:11 am

    When I was a young girl, about elementary aged, I was racially profiled in what was then Eckerd Drug Store (now CVS). I didn’t know at that age what was happening to me, but I knew as a child it wasn’t right. I was with my mom and I had earned $20. I thought I was rich. I wanted to buy some candy and other things in the store. But one of the sales clerks saw me walking the aisle alone and she assumed that I was going to steal or do something wrong I guess. She followed me all around the store. It felt annoying to have this lady follow me. I finally found my mom on one of the aisles and told her I didn’t feel like shopping anymore. I told her when we left the store what happened and she said the lady probably thought I was going to steal. It made me sad that she thought a little girl looked like a thief. Fast forward to being a grown woman and the same thing happening to me as an adult in a nice store. I was naive to think that kind of thing shouldn’t happen these days. But unfortunately, racism is not dead. Neither is intolerance for the differences of others whether people are Americans or immigrants, gay or straight, fat or skinny, educated or under-educated, rich or poor. Instead of celebrating our differences we are just “tolerating” each other. We all bear some prejudices and I know personally I need to work on loving my neighbor as I love myself. You may not be able to change someone’s
    prejudices, but you can change your attitude about how you deal with those who
    “pre-judge” you and how you respond to it. I have a son who is black
    and Dominican. I want him to grow up having respect for all cultures whether he
    chooses to identify himself as African American or Hispanic or both. He will be taught
    to speak English and Spanish. He will be taught the history of both cultures.
    And most importantly he will be taught to love God and to love people. I believe it begins at home and what we live is what we learn and sadly what is reflected outside in our world.

    • Troy Frasier

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:12 am

      Mam, I am white, and I have experienced the same thing both as a child and as an adult…. I don’t know that those instances were race related. In fact, haha, many times clerks followed me around as a kid, teenager, etc. Even now I am sure cameras follow me when I walk into a Wal-Mart, as my friend who works LP says I walk like a thief it seems…. Anyway, . It happens! :)

  • Nathanial Poling

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:12 am

    I side with Charles Barkley and Bill Cosby on this one… the media blew a sad story into a national rioting mess. I hope Zimmerman moves forward with the slander lawsuits on NBC and ABC.

    • Antoine Mason

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:12 am

      You do realize that Charles Barkley and Bill Cosby do not agree on the issues surrounding the case right?

      • Nathanial Poling

        August 19, 2013 / at 11:12 am

        looked like very similar opinions, that the verdict was correct

  • George Lewis

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:14 am

    in all of the discussion we need to have the law itself nullified. Please support my effort @ . A petition The Trayvon Mandate can be found there. WE NEED AND ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT Please sign , send circulate , retweet and ask all of your friends , family and contact to do the same. Without a change in this bad law this situation can happen again.

    • Nathanial Poling

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:14 am

      self defense? Stand your ground was not even used in the defense

  • Tia

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:15 am

    “These kinds of assumptions are disgusting and false. God made all human beings in His image with value and worth. Yet all of us are sinful and fail to display God’s image as we should. Every single one of us can turn from our sins, trust Christ, and be made right by our Creator. But racism picks and chooses which people these truths should be applied to. Racism says, “I’m valuable and good, and all of those people are wicked.” – Word Up Brother Lee!

    When the Kingdom takes the blinders off to the role of systemic oppression in American Christianity, especially in the form of White Supremacy, capitalism and patriarchy, we will break from the chains of bondage. These are the principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places the Word speaks of.

  • Mr. 116

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:15 am

    A black woman shot warning shots in Florida because she was scared that her abusive husband would attack her. You know what happened, she was sentenced to prison for 20 years.

    George Zimmerman shoots a young black kid in Florida, and he was found innocent?!? Really?? Racism, most definitely, was an issue in this case. Think about it.

  • lewrites

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:16 am

    I am white/native American, and though the Native in me is a very small percentage, my skin tone is very dark and I look very much like a Native. I’ve been discriminated against by whites, by blacks, and by just about every race you can think of.

    DC Talk’s song Colored People sums up my thoughts quite nicely:
    We’re colored people and we live in a tainted place
    We’re colored people and they call us the human race
    We’ve got a history so full of mistakes
    And we are colored people who depend on a Holy grace.
    The media is very much to blame. But our own predispositions, our own actions perpetuate what the media feeds to us. If we would look past color, if we would see in ourselves the judgments we pass on others based on looks or actions, when we don’t even know them…maybe we could work to tear down these barriers and not give the media any more fodder.

  • Joanette D. Clemons

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:17 am

    This case is not only about the SYG law it is also about the self defense argument. The child was in essence found guilty. This case is also about how the law views the responsibility of the person, GZ, who put themselves in harms way. Where does personal responsibility, common sense and self control play a part in this situation? When Rachel Jenteal (not sure of the spelling) was interviewed, she said “Your parents teach you that when someone suspicious is following you, you should run. No parent teaches their child to stand their. If they did, they would have no child.” TM was a child. He was described to police by GZ as a person in their late teens. This is not conjecture, this is fact. Trayvon was a child growing into adulthood. When GZ called police, he did the right thing, when he decided to go against the will of authority, he lost control and the situation turned out all wrong. Spiritual ex.: How many times have we prayed and asked God to help us handle a situation and we lean to our own understanding rather than listening to the true voice of authority to see us through. Trayvon is not here b/c GZ leaned to his own understanding. He took matters into his own hands after being given clear and concise instructions about what NOT to do. I wanted to know what GZ’s role as a volunteer neighborhood watch officer consisted of. I found this book at Please read page 27 of Chapter 6. This man overstepped his bounds and ran right OUT OF personal responsibility into trouble. He disobeyed direct instructions and confronted a frightened child, who was a young man and an athlete. He bit off more than he could chew when he stepped outside the will and instructions of authority. Suppose TM had been an experienced killer who took GZ’s gun and killed him instead? This tragic incident opened the door for a number of topics to be discussed. Including, but not limited to, profiling, personal responsibility, The Stand Your Ground Law, what is the real definition of self defense, and most of all the re-evaluation how race should be viewed the minds of everyone. Everything seen in the darkness of our own hearts and minds will eventually come to light. This tragic and ridiculous chain of errors is meant to bring about a greater level of understanding, dialogue and awareness. This case has sent shock waves throughout the world. It is not an American history story, it is not Black history story, it is a human and civil rights story. No one deserves to die based upon stereotypical perceptions and a lack of self control.

  • BQPhotography

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:18 am

    DUDE!! Thank you so much for posting this!! I posted something similar on my facebook wall. I feel we can move on from racism but yet we can still talk about it to fix the problem!! Not argue and continue to profile any race. I am a firm believer in God and this country must turn back to God. (2 Chronicles 7:14) We need more black people like you and I, who can step up and speak against the racism and educate one another. We should stand against the people who stir the racism up!! Thanks again. I too have dealt with racial comments and actions by others, but I don’t let all of it get to me because I know who I am in Christ!! Thanks!!

  • Mark

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:18 am

    Without question, there are those with ‘racial’ motivations for what they do – positive or negative. Some assume the worst just because of the level of melanin. But I wonder if there’s something else going on in situations like this that reveals more of a cultural gap than a racial one. For example, if I see a woman walking down the street in very short shorts, low cut tank-top with breasts hanging out, lots of make-up, high heels (not good for walking), etc., I will assume this is a woman who is – to use an antiquated word – loose. This gives me zero right to physically or verbally assault her, to make suggestive remarks, etc. Contrast that with another woman’s attire – modest, but attractive pants, skirt, dress, etc. – right out of the Lands’ End (or pick your style) catalog. She COULD be just as loose as woman #1, but I think it’s unlikely.

    Likewise, if I see a young black man walking toward me dressed as a ‘gangbanger’ – I move aside and get nervous. It’s POSSIBLE he’s a local youth pastor and would share the Gospel with me sooner than say a hurtful word. But what’s with the ‘banger attire? Conversely, a black man walking down the street in 1) Lands End attire 2) traditional African garb 3) work jeans/boots with white t-shirt… I suddenly have all of my fears mitigated.

    My point is that attire is a form of cultural expression. And not all cultures are equal. If what “white” (or light brown, red, yellow) America sees in music videos, the evening news, newsweeklies, etc. of the young black man in trouble is what young black men who are upstanding members of the community wear… that will communicate a conflicting message.
    Imagine me wearing a t-shirt with a confederate flag on it and expecting blacks to just understand that I’m not a racist. I just love the Confederate South.

    Likewise, dress like a gangster, don’t be surprised when you’re confused with one.

    Wearing a ‘hoodie’ alone wouldn’t/shouldn’t do this of course. But folks who think they’re clothing/attire doesn’t communicate or (worse) will admit it does, but places the burden on the observer to flesh all the differences out is a fool.

  • Truth

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:18 am

  • James Lee

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:19 am

    High profile cases like this sensationalize and underlying problem between what we faultfully call “races.”

    As a white boy from suburbs of Detroit, I would probably respond the same way to Zimmerman following me, regardless of the activities I was up to.

    Zimmermans spiritual state impacts his view of the Lords command to …”Not resist an evil man.” Likely, Trayvon Martin’s adherence to this command was lacking as well. As disciples of Christ, we should remember to not be surprised when the world acts like “the world.”

    Our best weapon against social injustices and racial divides is to adhere to the commands of Christ.

    Thabiti Anyabwile gave a timely message in 2008 about “Bearing the Image”. It is worth a listen –

    The majority of people have identities and lives that have been based on assumption regarding the notion of “race.” We need to change toward a more biblical theology of ethnicity. First of all, it is important to define terms and use them properly, especially “race” versus “ethnicity.” The Christian needs to understand man’s unity in Adam, union with Christ and unity in the church.

  • Rusty

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:19 am

    We’ve ALL been on the receiving end of racism, probably. If not, we will. Someone from some other race is going to make a decision about us, based on how we look or sound.

    We’ve all been guilty of committing it, too, to some small degree. Any time you see someone and make a judgment–even if it’s kept internal–based on how that person looks or sounds… that’s prejudice.

  • Antha REdNOTE

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:19 am

    The 911 operator said “We don’t need you to follow him” That’s enough for me. The trial would’ve never been needed and Trayvon would probably be getting more kisses from his Dad (as seen in pictures) if Zimmerman stayed his “butt” in the car AND on the phone til’ the cops came!!!

  • Louie

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:20 am

    Frankly, I am ashamed that some of these commentators call themselves Christian, I almost hope that some of them are not. Thank you so much Trip for putting your heart on this blog, apart of yourself and your life experiences that we do not know about or may not understand. I am a White, Male and 24 years of age and I have many black friends, very similar to Trip, who have been profiled wrongly and I have been in the presence of these attacks against my friends, in shock, feeling helpless. I think some of the commentators are sorely misinterpreting Trip’s words or using them as a sounding board for their personal agendas and politics. Trip hasn’t said anything about Zimmerman being a racist. Zimmerman made a wrong judgment that cost a young man his life, a fact that has changed one family forever, at least Zimmerman lives and breathes. And this event has triggered an outcry that forces everyone to examine their biases and to look at laws that are hurting us all. It makes me sick that people cannot simply see that the laws created to protect some like myself (with unearned privileges) do not apply to those who are viewed as the “other”. Some have mentioned the law and say Zimmerman was justified to follow Trayvon but was he justified in God’s eyes to follow someone because he looked suspicious. In the end I pray Zimmerman comes to know Christ as his personal savior and turn his horrible choice into something positive that God can use to bring further healing. Nothing is impossible with God.

    • Nathanial Poling

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:20 am

      How do you know Zimmerman wasn’t a Christian already? Did you watch the trial or listen to the soundbites. I think you make a lot of judgmental comments in this post about people’s Christianity. I know young white teenagers who have been profiled as well because they had tattoos. Stop making assumptions that this was a race case and assumptions about others hearts. Zimmerman could have had bad intentions but nothing led there in the trial when people got to hear the full phone calls, not the spliced ones that the media played to drum up a racial issue. Zimmerman faced a jury and was acquitted under self-defense. Maybe some people should start to question the music that African Americans listen to that promote violence over peace. Martin could have went back to the house, instead he chose to try to beat up Zimmerman.

  • dismayed

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:21 am

    hello all. First and farmost I am a christian. Secondly I am an afirican-american woman. I’ve read the comments here and they do not surprise me. I am horrified by the violence in this country (the black on black, the judicial towards blacks,the crime element of minority youths of towards the general public, general public towards minoriity youths). To tell you the truth I am scared,and this is why……….when we as a society gloss over the societal stains racism has caused we are in grave danger of returning our society back to that in which it was in the 50’s. Furthermore, when we think for a second that America has reached some state of a race free utopia we are in grave danger of repeating the same ill that plagued the nation 50 years ago. I think people like to gloss it over because it’s easier than facing it and confronting it. So for you it might not be a race thing, because you will never have to hear your elders discuss how the details reminds the days of their youth,experiencing things you and i could never dream of

    .For you it might not be a race thing because you will never bear inside your body a black male child and wonder will he live to see 21. For you it might not be a race thing because the mere look of you is and will never be seen as a threat. If i had those options it would not be race thing for me either. My heart goes out to all those who have been victims of crime due to violence. I never will and never have condoned violence. However, also will never condone a system that condones shooting somebody based on appearances,or possible reasons why they are out at night,. I will never condone a system that will take my money is accepted,but I or my son is not. I will never condone the state of things as they are. America is no utopia. I feel the effects of being a minority in America everyday,and even in the church.

    • bergyman

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:22 am

      I’m a Christian too. I agree that racism still exists. The truth is, it will always exist. The enemy will make sure of that. But this “you will never understand my side” posturing doesn’t help. We have white idiots that perpetuate racism. And that is what they are: stupid racists. Then there are black idiots that perpetuate the stereotype that promotes the profiling. The focus should be all of the rest of us rising above these idiots and coming together and repair the divide. Change the narrative. As for young black males… wow. I have no idea how a community deals with that, but I know there are answers out there. I know God has a plan and a solution… and it isn’t division based on how someone looks. His solution is about UNITY, love and restoration.

      • dismayed

        August 19, 2013 / at 11:22 am

        hi bergyman. I respect and agree with, your views. One note though- my view is not “you will never understand my side” rather its a shedding of light on the why this not about “my side” or your side. This is about the in-just patterns this country has yet to rectify.This is the lot that America has given to minorities. elders reliving horrifying experiences with jim crow. Children afraid they will be targeted by some crooked form of the judicial system. Male family members harassed for DWB'(driving while black) I have worked tirelessly for many years unifying folks and bringing racial awareness to the church and to the un-churched alike. I’m not saying understand my side .I’m saying respect it. I WILL continue my work to shed light on the subject,because that’s what GOD intended me to do and the church needs it. With that said- turning a blind eye to the ills of injustice be it racial,social economical,regarding abortion or sex trafficing,is also very wrong. It’s also something I can not do. On a brighter note I have seen ,confession, and forgiveness between races on a massive scale at Christians prayer events and it was beautiful time of respect, confession,forgiveness (on both sides) OHHH was that something to behold it was like pslms 133:1-3 in real time. Feet were washed,tears were shed, and all parties(black,white,latino,and asian) repented before GOD for ought against the other. I long for the day when “brother love will bind man to man” as mentioned in the great hymn ode to joy. I work and pray to no end to see it happen.

        • bergyman

          August 19, 2013 / at 11:23 am

          Thank you for your reply. I didn’t mean to imply you were doing the “you don’t understand…” thing, I just meant I don’t want that response being the answer. I hear that a great deal when I’ve tried to join in the conversation regarding some of these problems and how we as a society can overcome them. I think there HAS to be understanding and solutions and change on both sides. I agree with you. It is happening. I just hate how long it’s taking and all the harmed/lost lives and lost potential … and I HATE the division. Thank you for fighting the good fight. I hope you know that I don’t pretend to understand the emotions, I am just looking to getting ways to the next steps… recovery, healing, unity.

        • dismayed

          August 19, 2013 / at 11:23 am

          yes. i understand and we need you in the fight . I’m sorry that some one devalued your contribution to the conversation and/ or solution to these problems. and I apologize on their behalf.Would you forgive all of us who treated those who want to help find a better way as if they don’t matter in this discussion just because his or her skin wasn’t black. I believe we each have something to contribute to the other person ,experiences to be gained,love to be shared,encouragement and fellowship to be had (black,white,yellow,brown,blue etc). i firmly believe that. God bless you bergyman… day pslms 133:1-3 will be a reality if not here on the earth ,definitely in the one to come.

        • bergyman

          August 19, 2013 / at 11:23 am

          Amen, Amen. Thank you for your kind words. Lord, continue the healing that will indeed someday command a blessing.

  • Troy Frasier

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:25 am

    Hey Trip, Love ya and all, but honestly… it sounds like on the issue of race, you have some bitterness. I am sorry your skin color has made you the receiving end of some discrimination. My skin color has leaved me on the receiving end of some discrimination from the black community, (although I have never been tagged by the police). Its a part of life, man. I just wish I were discriminated for the cross, not for the color of my skin in those instances. It happens, it’s not beautiful, but we have to forgive those who do it and praise God the father for His love and diversity. And not be bitter, man. Let go of those past instances. Just like you shouldn’t treat others wrongly, you must forgive and free yourself from the temptation of victimization when you are judged. Everyone is judged. If not by skin color, by body shape, location, age, etc. I have been judged countless times for being from Florida in the midwest. And for being young. Etc. We will always be judged, ya know? We must forgive and show love to those who are ignorant. :) God bless ya, Trip!

    • Nicole

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:26 am

      By pointing out that racism exists against black people does not nullify that black people can discriminate too. We live in a fallen world and all those actions are wrong. Working to open dialogue does not mean that unforgiveness exists. (Hello, Trip Lee’s wife is not black lol) However, biblically, peace does not equal passive. There are MANY calls in the Word of God to be active about injustice and oppression in all forms. We should be active against social justice, ALL FORMS with the ultimate goal of showing the beautiful contrast of Jesus Christ in this fallen world.

    • gdoggydog05

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:26 am

      wow. wisdom. convicted me, too.

  • bergyman

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:27 am

    We’re asking people to be superhuman. We all use information (some based on our own situations, some third party reliable, and some third party unreliable) to tell us what to do in certain parts of town, and around people that look a certain way. We all profile. The blonde girl Lizzi below may have had people view her as stupid or easy based on how she looks. Fair? Probably not. She has a choice, she can either try to convince all the other blondes out there to act smart, be smart to not perpetuate the stereotype OR she can just try and do her best to not be linked with the “type”. My guess (and I could be way off) is that the store owner commonly was shoplifted by people that looked/acted like Dinah Robinson … fair? Not at all. But is it the store owner who is acting irresponsibly? Let me say it this way… if person #1 looks/dresses/acts like people who have committed crimes in their store or in their neighborhood. (I’m making up hypotheticals here) The objective statistics say: 7 out of 10 times when this happens, a crime is committed. You may say, they still shouldn’t profile. but at what point in the statistics do you say, I’m still going to think the best of this person. 9 out of 10? how about 99/100? How about 999/1000? What if you have an Arab family in your neighborhood and you see him unloading dozens of bags of fertilizer into his garage? Maybe he just likes his grass to be really green. Are we supposed to always assume the best in people?

    My view on this is that we have a racially divided and politically divided and economically divided country. We can’t really do much about the economics… history always tells us that we have rich and poor. But politically and racially we can say “No”. I have no problem with having pockets of people banding together in America because of interests or because they come from the same country and they share traditions of that country. But I think this is what happens when we have a bunch of people who have banded together (probably because of outside and inside factors) because of how they look on the outside, I think we will continue to have problems until “black people” exist in all parts of a city, vote both sides of the aisle politically, work in all different industries, don’t require/get special hiring/voting laws, go to college at the same rates, and marry people not based on skin color. The media wants an emotional issue. The parties want an emotional issue (to spur a strong voter turnout). The challenge is do we allow them to play us… this isn’t an US versus THEM argument. This is a “we need to all play together”. This is a “we need to accept that there are idiots out there that will assume we are who they think we are, but I’m going to ignore them because I know who I am.”

    We had black foster kids (7 and 9 yrs old). The 7 yr old girl told us “Everyone knows that white people hate black people and that black people hate white people.” That made me sad. Someone taught her that with words. At 7 yrs old, that become part of her makeup. We need to stop following the media/politic rhetoric and try and build bridges and not jump to conclusions about people and when people make conclusions about us, we need to let it fall off our backs because holding grudges only increases the racial divide and we need this rift repaired.

  • Rumplestiltskin

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:28 am

    A very highly-charged trial, and not w/o reason. Our present dealings, with “whatever” will always be tainted with our disagreeable past. I had parents, that apparenty were “color blind”, and for this I am thankful. When I was about three, and playing with my neighborhood friends one day in the sandbox, this is what I saw – one by one, a parent would come up, and say something like “come on Johnny, we’ve got to go” or, “suzie, time for your nap”. One by one, they all left, except one. I didn’t think anything about it that day, but some thirty or forty years later, I realized what happened: that last little boy was black. I tell you, when I realized exactly WHAT happened that day, I was shocked, and angry – that boy that the other kids were being “protected” from was my friend. I did not know what “black” was. Still amazing.
    Now, I am 71, and have had a one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ, for 37 years. THAT, more than any discussion of “race” has really opened my eyes, let me explain – in the book of Ephesians, it says that God, made of the Jews, and also of the gentiles, ONE NEW MAN. Folks, this means you, and me, as long as we have that relationship with Christ. When we STEP INTO CHRIST, we “put on”, or “come into” the ONE NEW MAN. So. OUTSIDE of Christ, we can put on an act, we can try to be good, do the right thing, etc. But out natural strength will always run out, and we WILL fail again, anytime we are “outside of Christ”, or not under His influence. Make sense?
    Outside of Christ, there IS NO LASTING UNITY – otherwise we would have had that, long ago. So, come into Christ, where I am no longer white, I’m your brother, and I’ve got your back.

  • Mollie

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:28 am

    I agree that racism is an issue. But saying that it is only against the african americans is wrong. I have been profiled many many times in my life. I am a young white girl.I have blonde curly hair and blue eyes and a southern accent. I have been cuffed by the cops because they were looking for a suspect. I have had a gun held to my head by someone intending to kill me. I have gone completely without. I have had black friends quit speaking to me because I am white and “can’t possible understand”. We all have the same struggles. We all face the fact that very few people are going to try to get to know us before they judge us. My husband and I have five children of our own and recently adopted two of his cousins who happen to be black. I can honestly tell you that as much as we have been to the store as a family no black people have ever even remotely been kind to us or truly acknowledged us until we adopted these two boys. As if the level of pigmentation they have in their skin makes them different from us. We are all equal are we not? Then why is this still a white vs black thing? Why is it simply not a community of all people coming together and acknowledging that it is at it’s core a heart problem and not a race problem? When my girls grow up and begin to look for their husbands I will not care if that man is black or white or chinese. I will only ask two things, does he love the Lord with all of his heart, and does he have Jesus in his heart. If the answer to these two things are yes then I will know he will be good to my girls. They same will go for my sons when they look for a wife. To make everything a race issue is dangerous no matter what side is doing it. Let us just rise above and call it what it is….a heart problem.

  • LolaMitche2011

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:28 am

    Having a multi-racial family I completely understand many different perspectives. I will say that “white” America will just simply never understand the “colored” perspective. How could they? People will show more sympathy with people they can relate to. Blacks can name 100 different cases of racism in their own lives, while whites will also name 100 different situations and justifications for why they believe what they believe. With more whites numerically in jail than any race, and more blacks percentage wise in jail then whites, it’s obvious crimes can be done by anyone. We all just see what we want to see. With that being said, I would say we all need to just strive to do the best for our communities and pull them up. Black Americans should now know that they cannot expect a sympathetic ear from whites, and Whites should know that that they will never understand the experiences people of color go through. And honestly that’s okay.

    • Dave

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:29 am

      Lola, I think to use “blacks” & “whites” as you have in this post in such broad terms is very much overstated. African Americans are not the enemy of Caucasians. Caucasians are not the enemy of African Americans. Individuals with sin in their hearts wrongfully judge one another. It plays itself out in between all different kinds of nationalities because of the pride of individuals who choose to flesh that pride out through their skin color. I see it between neighboring Asian countries here in Thailand as well. It’s surely not limited to African Americans & Caucasians. Please don’t let the ways you’ve been hurt add to the lack of reconciliation in this matter. Change can really happen.
      Christ died to save sinners. And that is where the change starts when it comes to these things you mentioned. Individuals getting their old selves crucified & given new lenses to see the world. It will happen from person to person as they get their prideful, narrow worldview rocked by Christ’s Kingdom way.
      Christ bless you, Lola.

  • KSStrong

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:29 am

    @gdoggydog05 wrote “all my black christian
    brothers focus on martin, and don’t even acknowledge the fact that it is wrong in the first place to choose this trajedy as more important those the hundreds of similar trajedys that occur daily.”- You are assuming that AA Christians
    view this tragedy above all the others. The fact is that this case has been in the news, and therefore, it will naturally be a topic of conversation more so than other things that people are unaware of. The apostle Paul chose, at one time, to highlight the sin of Herod (marrying his brother’s wife) over all the other sin that was occurring at that time. He specifically called Herod out.
    While we know that Paul did not hesitate to call people out on their sin or hypocrisy, we read only of a few times of him calling out certain names. Is this sin? No, he called Herod out because of his status and position. He called Peter out (by
    name) because of his leadership in the early church. It is not sin to point to this case and discuss racism. This case has had a dominate status in the media, and so people talk about it.

    • gdoggydog05

      August 19, 2013 / at 11:30 am

      im sorry ks… i should have been more clear. i’m not assuming…. i’m speaking on all the black christians that i know or have read, etc….. and i didn’t mean that they are prioritizing it more…. what i meant is this: of all the comments black christians have made, i have not seen any that criticize the media for putting a certain case on a pedastool on the basis of race…. sorry about that. I don’t know if they do or not. I think the media is guilty of this and am surprised that my black brothers and sisters have commented on other parts of the case and seemingly supported the media in their display, rather than dissent, even if only with their words.

  • Steve Burlew

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:30 am

    Thanks, Trip. Seriously. Been a long time since we’ve been together or communicated. I hope you and yours are doing well.
    Grace and peace to you, brother.
    Steve Burlew

  • Heather Mahnke Worrell

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:31 am

    Dear T.L.,

    I am a 32 year old white female. I was just explaining Trayvon’s story to my 12 year old daughter. I explained how I feel about all of it. I read your blog above. I respect you, and I also feel that this issue needs to be discussed. I look at it like my marriage, in a way… If my husband and I have a conflict, we work it out until we have an understanding. We are two separate bodies, but by marriage we are one (my husband and I), just as all of us are put into categories, whether we like it or not. I teach my children that color doesn’t matter, character is what matters, but nonetheless I am white, you are black and we can’t change that. It is a fact about ourselves, just like right now I am wearing a red shirt and if maybe all people wore red shirts everyday, we could get passed all of this, be treated equal by each other, and all be called “red shirt people”, but that’s not going to happen. We all need to come to an understanding about each other like in my marriage. Conflicts need to be fixed, “Don’t go to bed angry”. Our races have been in conflict for too long. We’ve never really come to an understanding, or have learned to respect each other fully… now our bottles of emotion have hit their pressure limits and we’re exploding with irrationality. Our races have never really married each other, so to speak. It’s time to get married… You explained in your blog why you have been emotionally invested in the Trayvon Martin Case. That this is the story about you, your father, your grandfather, that you have been racially profiled. Let me tell you that, as a white woman, I treat every stranger with caution regardless of their skin color. I lock my doors, clench my purse, and children tighter no matter who I walk past on the street. There are dangerous white rapist, serial killers, kidnapping, etc. crime happening everywhere just as much as there are in any other skin color there is… I want to help change hearts and minds. Just because someone is profiled, doesn’t make it racist. It is because there are sick evil monsters in every color and we have to be cautious. So, if we lived in a safe happy world where everyone was kind and loving, we would not have to worry I guess, but this isn’t Heaven. God Bless you, T.L. Love and Peace be with you.

  • Christopher Zavala

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:31 am

    I think the whole Zimmerman/Martin thing has shown me that it is pretty easy for me to judge and just assume that certain people are just “playing the race card.”

    But I respect Trip. And I want to take his words to heart and try to sympathize with the perspectives and experiences of others. I pray that God will expand my view and my compassion. And I pray that the power of the Gospel will unite the Church and help all of us to find our identities in Christ and not color or class or country…

  • TJ

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:32 am

    You’re assuming it was based on color. Did you forget there had been young black males breaking into homes where zimm lived? This had nothing to do with color just for the sake of it.

  • laura merrone

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:32 am

    Yes, lets move on and get all of this behind us. Whatever happened that day, can you forgive and forget? Can we all “love our enemy” as a Christian whoever that may be? Can we honestly say “vengeance is the Lord’s” not ours? I am a white woman but have been through some bad experiences myself but I’ve gotten over it by forgiving all parties involved. Our nation needs healing not more tears. The more we forgive, the better off we will be and the racism feelings will fade. Now, if only Al Sharpton and the news media will quit bringing up all this stuff and opening the wounds, we will be all right…

  • Sophia

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:32 am

    Wow! It is so refreshing to hear Kingdom perspective on this issue. We get so wrapped up in arguing with each other, that we forget to ask God what He thinks. We forget that the answers are already in His word. We forget that we should trust in no one and nothing but Him. Finally, we forget that those who seek Him, will be those who find the truth.

    Racism is truly an issue in this country. It’s something that we cannot run from, but that we must face and change. We have to know that we cannot change without Jesus Christ. Racism is a reality that is reflected in our justice system, in how we think about each other, and in how we treat each other. Until the hatred is removed from our hearts, racism will continue to creep into our decisions. The past will be the past, when it is no longer present in our future. Until then, we certainly should not move on.

  • Karla Willows

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:32 am

    Sorry, I explained that badly! We have lost touch, but not because of race!

  • Karla Willows

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:33 am

    *neo nazi

  • Karla Willows

    August 19, 2013 / at 11:33 am

    Amen Trip. I am half Colombian, half English, it’s so easy for me as I am white, I had a friend for a while who was a neo natzi from Ireland. He did not realize I was half Colombian for a long time. When I realized his beliefs, I told him I was half Colombian, he refused to believe me. Had I had darker skin, he would never have become my friend in the first place. He remained friends with me. I hope God used this to change his perspective, we have since lost touch through day to day life, but not because of skin color. I can’t imagine how painful and damaging it is to be continually judged by the color of your skin. My Son loves 116. He is only four and has no idea of racism yet. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being great role models to both my sons. As far as my four year old is concerned, guys who look like rappers love Jesus and are safe :)

  • Kay

    August 19, 2013 / at 9:02 pm

    The more I read and hear about the Trayvon Martin case. The more I realize that most can not look at it from a realistic/factual point of view. We often look at these cases through a skewed lens that carries baggage from own past. I speak as a woman whose great-grandfather was an illegal immigrant from Mexico, and yet has been challenged by Christ to embrace The Truth, not the truth as “I” see it. Christ asks that we set aside our identity including our ethnicity, sex, denominational affiliation, etc (Galatians 3:28), in order to see our world through the lens of Christ…which embodies all truth.

    Trayvon Martin, according to his friend Rachel Jeantel racially profiled George Zimmerman calling him a “Creepy a** cracke,.” and then proceeded to brutally assault GZ. Understand, I am in no way defending Zimmerman because he took the law into his own hands, which ended in the death of Martin. My problem with this case, has been the pass that is often given to minorities for racist comments and behaviors. The truth in this case is that both men were out of line in their behavior toward one another, and yet TM gets a pass because he is a man of color. I am sorry but God does not honor that mentality, because it is one that is twisted and perverted.

    BOTH MEN were equally wrong in how they responded to each other, and yet we care little about ALL the facts. We just care about the facts that best support the way we want to think.

    I am finding racism is a real problem in our culture, but the reality is it is not just a white problem, it is just as prevalent in people of color as well. Racism, will never end as long as we are concerned only about our “own” people. I truly believe this is the message Martin Luther King Jr. preached, before it was tarnished by the likes of Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson. Unity and oneness can only happen when men and women truly see through the lens of Christ, because as Galatians 3:28 points out we are ALL ONE “IN” Christ. I personally believe anytime we chose to view ourselves outside of that framework, than we either knowingly or unknowingly erect barriers and dividers. Bottom line Christians, racism can stop with you, as long as you truly embrace Christ’s perspective. Otherwise, you are left with justifying a false reality that continues to erect barriers between you and others.

    We need to ask ourselves do want the Truth, or are we only interested in seeing through our distorted lens, where truth is relative, and is only accepted if it fits into our framework?

  • LaRone

    August 20, 2013 / at 4:35 am

    Brothers and Sisters,

    What saddens me more than anything is how reading “some” of the comments posting on this wonderful website, I find it hard to see the difference between here, YouTube or any other site where folks just like to argue their points and dismiss grace and peace. Still, much better comments than usual. What Trip was trying to convey seems to have gotten lost in most of the comments.

    As far as the killing of Trayvon, just notice how its almost never a person of color, especially black, that comes to the defense of Zimmerman. NOw, everything doesn’t have to do with race, but the things that do should not be so easily disregarded. The black experience in America is so downplayed. Why? Should Blacks just get over the fact that their ancestors were property of men and women in this country? Should the fact that government propaganda literally called for the discrimination of them be forgotten? Should they forget that the Constitution literally stated that they are only 3/5 of a man? Of equal importance, should people who aren’t persons of color really act oblivious to these same facts of American history as if there are not still systems of oppression (not just profiling) that directly effect the black community and other minority groups? It is so easy to tell people to get over it or to point out Black success in an attempt to undermine race relations in this HISTORICALLY racist country. But when you are the benefactor of racism (even if unknowingly) and you are not affect by it negatively, you inevitably have a viewpoint different and sometimes even defensive when it comes to race. Thank the Lord that Christ unifies ALL people. But still, churches remain the most segregated places in America. Thank you all for reading and all be Blessed.

  • thefollower

    August 20, 2013 / at 9:51 am

    I have read through this entire thing the comments, arguments, sympathy statements. It all amazes me your intelligence and personal experience about all these things. Like in the beginning Trip said don’t stop talking about it, however, I’m quite sure he didn’t mean argue.

    I am an 18 year old white girl, my best friend is an 18 year old black girl, i have no black relatives, my church is completely white, i have many black friends, and i worked at a camp for underprivileged children where more than half the campers are black….i have seen the way you all put up some facts about your life to make people understand you better so those are a few facts about my life…I’ve learned about the racial issue and it disturbs me its even made me mad enough to break my hand from punching things when hearing about the struggles some people have gone through. its okay to get mad over things like murder, racism, lies, and hypocrisy, but it is definitely NOT okay to treat each other with the disrespect and ‘i know better’ attitudes i have seen on here. I may not know a whole lot about the world and all of its struggles but i know a few things. I know that first of all God created all man equal and as friends of those treated with racism we can and should stick up for them. I also know that God is the Righteous Judge and many of you who argued on here said you were christian…shame on you… this case has brought such a division and not not just between white/black/hispanic people between every person who thinks he/she knows better than everyone who doesn’t agree with them. We are children of God, the only one who really knows what happened the night Treyvon was killed, so who are we to argue who’s right or wrong?

    John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

    I’m not hear to tell you my opinion on the case and i’m not hear to judge you. I felt compelled to remind you that right or wrong we are called to love people and to let go of selfish pride over winning an argument that isn’t ours to win. John 8:7 came to mind within the first ten comments and stayed there until the end. If you’re going to argue do it in a loving way or, here’s a funny thought, if you know that you can’t argue in a way that is still respectful DON’T ARGUE! It’s not up to us to condemn or set free anyone and frankly its idiotic to act like it is. Thank you for taking a stand and sharing your opinions! Like I said I’m sure that you are all intelligent and enjoyable people but if we don’t show God’s love even through our opinions why in the world would people think christianity is worthwhile when we don’t act different from the rest of the world?

  • Ito

    August 20, 2013 / at 11:31 am

    We are believers, Bearers of the image of our Lord Jesus Christ, people who understand that we and ALL people are wicked, sinful, redeemed only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ who took the wrath of the Father, because of our sin, on the cross for us. What do we have without truth? The TRUTH should be what governs this conversation, not opinion. Our history tells the story and provides the answers if we are willing to be honest.

    I won’t even provide my racial identity. Because it is irrelevant to this discussion. I am a lover of the Lord, and someone who studied law, justice, sociology, and law enforcement.

    Look at the facts and the stats. The American Justice system is far from colorblind. She badly reeks of the sins of oppression, partiality, and wickedness. Classism is just as much a cause of it as racism is. But to say racism does not exist, or did not play a part in the outcome of this case, is a mistake. It is an opinion that chooses to completely ignore the history of our justice system in favor of what it would like to be true.

    Racism exist. It is alive and well and active.
    Thankfully, we serve a God who knows everything. Who is powerful to heal those who will let Him. Who is faithfulness to heal bitterness and resentment. And who has given us power through prayer and action.

    Disciple your children in truth. The truth is that their race will be part of their identity, (and determine how some people will view them) for as long as they live.

    Glory to God who looks not at what man does.

  • PastorNorm

    August 24, 2013 / at 10:35 pm

    The thing I believe that God wants us to do with this incident and all those other ones we continue to hear about is what Trip said. Pray for all parties involved to either get saved out of what has happened or get right if they are Christians. What everyone has missed is that God Almighty called Trayvon’s number for whatever reason He had. NOBODY was going to change that that night. God said, “Trayvon, it is over for you” just like he did for Tupac and many others. IF Trayvon was saved, glory to God he is now with Jesus. If not, sadly he is burning in Hell. Remember, Eccl. 12:13 ” Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

  • muchneededmoderator

    September 24, 2013 / at 5:04 pm

    I entered this website, read the various blogs posted and was encouraged by various posts until I came to this one. The comment thread that ensued below was both disturbing and heart wrenching. Instead of reading calm, patient, wise and God centered comments, I suddenly found myself engulfed in a frenzy of racism and hatred. And all this by supposed Christians who seem to think it’s appropriate to tell each other who is or is not a Christians and whether or not their prayers will reach the ears of God or as Marvin put it: “…your prayers probably won’t make it past your ceiling.” Many of you say repeatedly that you are not on the attack and do not wish to offend anyone, that you simply have your own opinions and that yes, they are strong. Fine, we all have our own opinions and we all feel strongly on certain issues whether or not we find others who agree. That is a right and a freedom we have as Americans to enjoy and I hope it is never taken from us. But to constantly bash another brother or sister in Christ and to preach at each other as if you yourselves know best is pure hypocrisy. We as Christians should know better than anyone that we are simply human, we make mistakes, we act in arrogant pride, we are blinded to certain issues simply by our own sin and no matter how hard we try, those blinders will always be there because we are fallen, sinful, humans. It is for that reason that God is our judge. It is not our opinions that matter, but God’s and God’s alone. To act towards each other so hatefully and yet call yourselves “brothers” is pathetic at best.
    Marvin, to be honest I had to stop reading about half way down the posts simply because I couldn’t stomach the way you continued to treat your “brothers and sisters” all the while sticking to your guns, becoming more and more inflamed and then claiming that you weren’t upset. Read your own posts, sir. Whether I agree with you or not does not matter, what matters is how you treat your brother. Read through the posts, you were by far (at least until I stopped reading about halfway down) the most volatile person on this thread. You tell others they have no right to tell you how to pray and then you suggest that God does not even hear their prayers. Who are you to suggest such a thing? You are not God. Come down off your throne and then speak to your brothers in love instead of impatience and anger.
    Racism is ugly and I see it everywhere and constantly. I hate it for so many different reasons and on so many different levels. But there will be no healing this disease until ALL sides recognize that there is racism no matter what color your skin is AND that not all people hate other people simply because their skin or their culture differ from their own. As a Christian I am very sad to see how racism has effected my brothers and sisters. I am sad that we have to see a “racist” around every corner and just assume that people are racist because their skin is white. We should see other Christians with many colors and cultures. Stop screaming “racist” at each other and simply say “brother”. I see more racism becoming a problem each day simply because one side or the other cries “racist” without even knowing the person they addressing. If you see a brother or sister acting in a racist way then by all means address it and speak to that person, privately. But stop crying wolf when there is no wolf.
    Love one another as Christ loved the church. That is all we need to remember when it comes to dealing with one another.

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November 12, 2011By Trip Lee

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