

  • April 2, 2014By Trip Lee

    This video is from a Disciple Now conference in Batesville, MS. Please forgive the video and audio quality Intro Last time we laid some foundations in our discussion about identity. We talked about what makes identity important; mainly that if we don’t know who we are, we won’t know how we’re supposed to live. And

  • March 4, 2014By Trip Lee

    This video is from a Disciple Now conference in Batesville, MS. Please forgive the video and audio quality This weekend we’re going to talk about identity. That’s what your leaders asked me to talk about, but what they didn’t know is that this was already something that’s been on my heart and that I’ve been

  • October 24, 2013By Trip Lee

    Does becoming a Christian mean the end of my fun? That’s an interesting question and I think a fair one to ask. There’s a certain picture of Christianity that’s often painted. When people think of Christianity they think of different things. Some think screaming TV preacher, others think white guy in a suit

  • September 10, 2013By Trip Lee

    Introduction I love kids. One of the reasons I love kids is because they show us ourselves. They’re like little mirrors. Let me tell you what I mean. Kids have pretty much all of the same problems we have, but those problems are just a lot more obvious because they don’t know how to hide

  • August 21, 2013By Trip Lee

    This video and manuscript is from Trip’s General Session at the Legacy Conference 2013. Introduction The theme of this conference is Soli Deo Gloria, or glory to God alone. That’s a great theme. And we want that perspective – that all the glory in the Universe belongs to God alone, to inform every single thing we

  • April 22, 2013By Trip Lee

    If there’s any genre of music that’s always talking about and chasing after the good life, it’s hip-hop. I love hip-hop. I have loved hip-hop for my entire life. There’s just something about the drums, and the rhymes, and the energy that’s always drawn me in. When I was a teenager, when I wasn’t in

  • January 10, 2013By vrasa

    As some of you know, I’m a new father. My son, Q, is five months old. And he’s almost always happy, except for when we put him in his crib to sleep. He immediately loses his mind. He seriously thinks we’ve abandoned him to fend for himself against all the difficulties around him,

  • December 7, 2012By vrasa

    Words are important. We use words communicate with our friends and family. We use our words to conduct business. I use words to put songs together and make a living. We use words to discipline our children. Politicians use words to convince you that they’re the best candidate for the job. Words

  • September 25, 2012By vrasa

    I do music for a living. And as many of you also know, the kind of music I do is a little bit different than the songs you might hear at a CHBC service. There are many things about hip hop that make it different than other genres of music. One thing

  • September 10, 2012By vrasa

    I want to start by reading some quotes. So just listen closely and think about whether or not you agree with what’s said. “Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.” – Albert Einstein “Anger is a short madness.” – Horace “Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.” – Benjamin Franklin

  • July 27, 2012By vrasa

    I want to begin by thinking about stories. Since the beginning of time there have been certain common themes that run through our stories. We have love stories, comedies, and tragedies – or the mixture of all those in one known as romantic comedy. But across all those kinds of movies, there are two themes

  • January 4, 2012By Trip Lee

    There are few things that stir up affections in my heart for Jesus like hearing new Christians – or any Christians – make public professions of their faith through baptism. I think of some of my friends, though, who were brand new Christians and were a little confused about what that meant.

  • November 9, 2011By vrasa

    There are some people who are good at certain things. There are basketball players who play in the league for years and years and they finish their careers rich and happy. They wanted to play the game they loved and they wanted to make a career doing it. They did it and they’re good. Then
