Now Reading: Coulda Been Me


Coulda Been Me

December 3, 20144 min read

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My heart is heavy. I know God is good, and that He’s in control, but my heart is heavy.

Last week after the events in Ferguson (and the responses to it on social media), I felt burdened to write a song. My goal wasn’t to make any grand statements or declarations, but to express the way that everything made me feel. So I started writing, and this is what came out. The sentiment that echoed in my mind was: “It could’ve been me.”

I had a whole post ready on how Christians should respond in times like these, but after the news about Eric Garner yesterday, I decided to wait and post that later. For now, I just want to say that I have a heavy heart. I’m not interested in debates or arguments right now. I just want the freedom to express my hurt.

I’m hurting because that Eric Garner video is devastating to watch. When my wife and I first watched it months ago, we both cried. Life is a beautiful gift, and it’s sobering to watch that life leave someone’s body — especially when it’s taken by other men. I thought, “Surely people can’t get away with that. At least they’ll have to answer for their actions at a trial.”

I thought wrong. And that hurts.

I’m hurting because it’s dangerous to be a black man in America. I know that statement alone is offensive to some people, but it’s objectively true.

I’m hurting because black communities are hurting, limping along because of many complex issues.

I’m hurting because of the strange run-ins I’ve had with the cops in the past.

I’m hurting because every black man I know has had similar run-ins.

I’m hurting because the bad cops make it harder for the good cops to do the important work they’ve been called to.

I’m hurting because I have to teach my son the same thing my father had to teach me: “People will assume you’re a threat before they know anything about you, so you have to be more careful than your white friends do.”

I’m hurting because some people don’t care. They’d rather win an argument than hurt with those who hurt.

I’m hurting because authorities are not immune to the sin and brokenness that plague the rest of us. When those who are called to police wrongdoing are guilty of it themselves, where do we turn? I rejoice because I have someone greater to turn to, and I have hope because God will bring justice in the end. But that doesn’t mean I’m not hurting.

I’m hurting because the tragedies that get media coverage aren’t the only tragedies. There are many more.

For my friends that don’t understand, please take the time to listen and sympathize. Being “quick to listen and slow to speak” is a mark of humility and maturity. Before you object, take a moment to hear from those who are hurting.

So many of us are hurting because we think to ourselves, “It could’ve been me.”


*Read the lyrics to the song here


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  • Joshua

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:30 pm

    let it out fam. i feel your pain

  • Cisco

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:30 pm

    Coulda been me !!

  • Jeremiah

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:32 pm

    I have been having the same thoughts, and even more about how life can be taken away and that person may die without knowing God. It really scares me and hurts me also <3

  • Shana

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:37 pm

    Yes Lord, it is good

  • Marco

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:38 pm

    Hurting with you, i dont understand the situation 100% no way i could. I do understand Jesus and who we ought to live like. Walking, struggling, hurting and striving together.

  • Sam

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:40 pm

    Thank you for sharing your heart, and for using your talent to put it to music. It sickens and saddens me not only that people are being murdered, but also that so many (including many professing Christians) refuse to see the hurt and injustice.
    “I’m hurting because some people don’t care. They’d rather win an argument than hurt with those who hurt.”
    So, so true, Trip. :(
    Pray, pray my brothers & sisters.

  • MelissaMcKim

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:40 pm

    I really want to buy this song!
    Thank you Trip
    You spoke what so many hearts feel
    This ministered to me
    Thank you for using your gift and sharing it with us all

  • Kirk

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:45 pm

    i am a Native American from calera, Oklahoma. I am a choctaw Indian and after hearing about ferguson a couple weeks ago and I could understand the hate and the pain cause it’s hard being a different race in today’s age not only do they hate every color of skin they are taking our freedom to promote God and we lose our jobs cause of that or it’s worse but I pray that this world will get better but I always remember God has a plan for everything whether it’s bad or good we just need faith and that is something we don’t have anymore we depend too much on the government instead of leaning towards God !

  • Tyler

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:47 pm

    Love you brother. Keep up the good fight. Praying for you.

  • Jordan

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:48 pm

    An amazing song. Needed for the young people to hear and learn from. Keep it up trip

  • Joel Benjamin Nevender

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:52 pm

    I am right here in Uganda but my heart is heavy as well. So heavy. Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Mike Brown. So heavy.

  • DustinSimmons

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:56 pm

    Nice tribute representing black lives that matter and will not be overlooked in the eyes of the world. A system that we’ve relied on during our short visit on Earth has failed us, repeatedly, to the point we become afraid for our loved ones and each other. I hope we can all set our eyes upon the Lord and grow closer as one people, God’s people. Stay strong in faith and hard work, GAWVI and Trip Lee! Grace and peace!

    – @Tandalus

  • Neal_Spencer

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:56 pm

    Hey Trip,

    I just wanted to send you a message. Man, the past couple of weeks have been tough for me too bud. I’m a police officer and it’s been really tough seeing some of my favorite people (rappers, singers, friends, etc.) talk about police the way they have. Initially I was angry, frustrated, and ready to argue with the world about how they didn’t understand how tough our job is, about how scary it can be at times… I guess I was living in a bubble, because the more I read about the issue, the more I talked to my friends, read y’all’s statuses about how you’ve been stopped more by cops, had your cars searched more, so on so forth… I just found myself getting really depressed about the whole subject.

    I have my own way of stopping vehicles. I stop them based on very literal things 80% of the time (expired registration, insurance, etc.) because that’s my “colorblind” way of contacting people. Then the other 20% of the time is if the car does something extremely suspicious and noticeable that I would believe someone without a police officer’s training would think was weird if tasked with the same mission I was. The point I’m trying to make is that I try to do my best to stay impartial, so that I’m not pulling a car over because it looks “sketchy” or because the person driving it looks “like a thug”. The thing is, I’m pretty happy about how I’ve been doing my job, and praise God for that. I guess where I’m depressed though, is that I feel so small in this BIG issue. The more I debated, the more I listened to my Black and Arab friends tell me about their stories of sketchy searches and probable causes etc. the more I realized I had no idea how to help this problem.

    I know I need to pray, and I have been because I know lots of good cops out there who try their best and who love this job for all the right reasons… But I guess the human pride in me wants to be able to fix this problem and not stand idle while this issue continues across America. It’s just hard man… So, I guess the purpose of this note is to say, I feel your pain bud. I feel the pain of many of my friends who have been subjected to sketchy police work. And for what it means / makes up for, I want to apologize for any uncomfortable situation you’ve been put through by one of us. And the second part of this note is just a prayer request, to keep my head up and to find a way to better my community, my place of work for everyone. It gets frustrating when you see a problem and you don’t know how to fix it.

    Quick last point, I love the song man. It brought me to tears in the fourth verse where you gave a shout out to the good cops. Thanks for that man!

    With much love and respect,


    • Danielle

      December 4, 2014 / at 11:59 am

      This touched my heart. Thank you for you transparent honestly. I salute you for being a God fearing loving man who chose to honor the oath you took to protect and serve. I pray you would be a light post in your profession and that your humility Honor and grace would shine on other Police officers that you may have the opportunity to share the good news with them. That through you more transformation discipleship and leadership would prevail. May God bless your hands feet and mouth to share this truth all the days of your life. Now you know your mission! #telltheworld #lovehard #overcome

    • Aj_cthingswell_FbAjHowardbentleyCaldwell

      April 8, 2015 / at 10:41 am

      Wow! the song it’s self was deep and very heartfelt but that note really hit a place. A few weeks back I was getting gas at a state pump that my job requires us to get gas at and I would see sheriffs getting gas as well and each one I would see I would subconsciously tense up not out fear of the person though because I didn’t know them to be scared of them but it was just be this uncomfortable feeling, because growing up in the 90’s to be a police officer I really looked to them as heroes and from experiences like trip lees and all of the topics in the song my visual of them being heroes have been forever changed. Not in a negative way though because I just simply see them as what they truly are at the end of the day.. A human being.. And I thank God that he allowed me to see them as that because you don’t usually see (well I ain’t ever see it lol) civilians in comic books pray for heroes. And that’s what was birthed out of those incidents… Because in the midst of my tension and fear of them having a bad day or even the fear of their perception of my person at a state gas pump with a hoody (even though it’s cold out), putting gas in an unmarked all white van (not knowing that I provide transportation for individuals with intellectual disabilities to work),came this compassion feeling bad for them because they might have the fear of me being that one person to falsely accuse and/or provoke them to act out of term out fear for their life and reputation. Its just a jacked up situation that is clearly a trick of the enemy to cause division and to keep us separated so the body of Christ won’t be on one accord Because he knows what can take place when that’s so. But little does he know that when he does that he creates 23 year old male prayer warriors who cling to nothing more or nothing less than the Lord Jesus Christ in these last and evil days. Neal I hope and pray that you just remain humble and that every situation you may enter no matter the atmosphere goes in your favor as a child of theMmost high God. Be blessed!

  • kevin

    December 3, 2014 / at 11:59 pm

    Hey trip.. it wouldn’t of been you cause God’s got his hand on you. I belive that everything happens for a reason. This is your opportunity to connect with more people then you will ever imagine. people are looking for answers they just need they guy to come along and spred the gospel through music, bible study or just sitting down and having a heart to heart over coffee. I guess what I’m trying to say as Andy Mineo put “We livin in a dark world how they gonna know if we don’t put his glory on display to let it show let there be light”.

  • Temi

    December 4, 2014 / at 12:03 am

    Thanks for all your music. You and the whole 116 clique. God is truly using you guys to speak to me and the rest of the younger generation, but to the generations to come! I hope to someday, God willing, come out to help you out in those rough neighborhoods you described in one of your interviews.

  • Quentin Holland

    December 4, 2014 / at 12:04 am

    Powerful song…. my heart is heavy right now being the father of 3 young African American males. They see that they have a chance to become the president of the United States but also realize they may not live to make it under certain circumstances…
    It’s ok to hurt. The world is full of dirt….
    the water (Spirit) and the Son (Jesus) can allow something beautiful to grow….. my hope is in Him

  • Tjay

    December 4, 2014 / at 12:14 am

    Hands down spot on. This track clearly gets the point across. The situations are undeniably sad and my heart is heavy. I’m a white male but grew up around people of color. Even close family is of color. I grew up in one of the tougher neighborhoods in Providence, RI’s lower south side and am well aware of the injustice happening across the country. To “protect and serve” should be on every officers mind whether green, blue, black or white. History only repeats itself if people don’t change… I hope this comes to an end and all these people that have been hurt in the process can find peace. #AllLivesMatter

  • Ken

    December 4, 2014 / at 12:25 am

    Bear with u my bro, jus readin your post had me in tears. Ima 25 year old mexican and man my hearts been so burddened since that mike brown call, my Popz a cop seeing stuff like this makes me worry but I know who covers us. Then seeing this today I jus cryd bro and pray to be a laborer raised up for the harvest. It’s our generation bro letz keep pressing in Him! Love u bro

  • meldd

    December 4, 2014 / at 12:33 am

    Growing up, I never saw anything happen that would make me think that racism was still around. I loved all people and my whole town felt the same (or so I thought).
    Now, I see all these tragedies&outbursts of anger. I don’t recognize the people around me anymore. How did this all come to pass? I thought we were past this..
    I was WRONG.

  • Lena

    December 4, 2014 / at 12:36 am

    Powerful: lyrically and musically. I don’t go with labels, we are all sinners and fall short of His glory. But I am a white girl. As much as I’d like to think colour isn’t important-it is in places in this country and world. As a sinner: it coulda been me. As a poor white girl: maybe, but probably not. And that is cruel and sad.
    I love how this song ends: my hope is in Him. Peace and acceptance comes when our hope, faith, and love is in Him.

  • Miguelperez

    December 4, 2014 / at 12:55 am

    This is such a beautiful thing you wrote and so truthful and I’m grateful that you responded to what was weighing on your heart regarding these issues and it’s opened my eyes more to the issues of violence that surround the U.S. which intend to ignore or disregard as important news. Thank you trip lee.

  • Damian

    December 4, 2014 / at 1:01 am


  • Mac

    December 4, 2014 / at 2:13 am


    Man, I read your words tonight. They hit me hard. This vicious cycle this country is in…jaded cops targeting young black men because they fit a profile…young black men getting tired of being targeted and standing and speaking up for themselves…

    You see, our fallen nature brings with it the tendency to compartmentalize our experiences. Someone bitten by as dog as a child, usually grows up with an aversion to all canines…either as fear or hatred. That can be so hard to overcome, because we allow those feelings…sometimes foster them and feed them with petty rationalizations.

    Tripp, I’m white. Until my 4th grade year, I grew up as one of a small handful of white kids in a predominantly black neighborhood in southern Illinois. All my friends were black. Then, we moved to Tennessee. I got sent to the principal’s office three times that year for fighting with someone who dropped the “N-word”…IN THE 4TH GRADE…kids had already been taught to classify and look down on others….because of skin color. That word infuriated me…to the point I would punch you in the mouth for saying it. It still infuriates me…I just pray instead of punch now.

    Man, I have relatives of every color and shade of skin….and, you know what? I’M PROUD OF IT. My family tree is EXACTLY what makes America great. My family IS the American melting pot. My family is amazing and I love them all.

    A couple years ago, I went through a nasty divorce and through my own stupidity, ended up spending some time behind bars and now have a felony record. I’ve seen first-hand the effect of bad cops. Now, anytime a patrol car gets behind me or a cop walks past me, I am thinking, “What are they gonna do this time? What are they gonna pull out to give them a reason to confront me. Because once they know you’re in the system…you’re a criminal for life.” And then I have to repent for being narrow minded and bigoted. They say one bad apple ruins the bunch, but God didn’t make us in the image of apples…He made us in His image. That’s got to count for something, right?

    Honestly, bro…after reading your words and meditating on them and looking back on my life….that could’ve been me, too.

    I don’t say that lightly or to take away from the gravity of your words. It’s just the opposite. There is a problem, but the black and white issue is not a black & white issue. Every person is different and draws on their own life experiences to rationalize their own perception of this fallen world we live in. The problem is sin. We are all guilty of it. I thank God there are men out there right now that are obedient to His Word and are trying to help heal. I’ve got you and so many others in my prayers tonight. Much love.

  • Mac

    December 4, 2014 / at 2:17 am

    “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”
    James 3:17-18

  • Jamie

    December 4, 2014 / at 4:18 am

    I’m diggin it. Totally see where you’re coming from Tripp.

  • Stephlandry09

    December 4, 2014 / at 6:42 am

    Even though I can’t relate to this at all since I’m a young white woman, this brought tears to my eyes. My heart has been heavy through out the whole ferguson trial. Thanks for speaking on this and sharing your experiences.

  • AaronCrim

    December 4, 2014 / at 7:23 am

    Thank you Trip, I found this to be helpful. I myself am a white Christian from Wv, I’ve struggled over what to make of these events. Not really sure what to think, (as they really haven’t affected me directly) I have however been so heartbroken to see so many of my brothers and sisters hurting and divided. Heartbroken to see so many of my countrymen hurting. Thanks again tho this has helped me understand a little more and will help me to know how to better pray for unity and peace. God Bless

  • jeanine pinkney

    December 4, 2014 / at 7:29 am

    Thank you so much for this song. My brother sent me the link and im truly thankful this morning for this blessing. I to am a victim, I lost my son Rashad Pinkney December 21,2013. To senseless gun violence. It’s a shame how we takes our own lives. Black on Black crime is a normal way of life in our community. So many of our young men have time value for life. I hurt always because my joy has been taken, I hurt because there’s no accountability, I hurt because I don’t understand, I just hurt!!! But I still live for and love my God!!!

  • TerryMiller

    December 4, 2014 / at 7:40 am

    You know, Trip, I can’t say anything one way or the other about the whole depth of the issue. I’m a white man. I don’t see racism as a black man does. I haven’t lived through it. But, what I do know is, this song is a hit. Capable of being a big hit, I think, if promoted through the proper channels. Anyway, ya’ll seem pretty on point with that, so just take the compliment, dude. No, I don’t think someone should capitalize on a sad situation. But, if you believe it’s what you’ve known and seen, then run with it. It’s real life stuff you’re talking about here. All of you Reach artists should release a collective album or compilation. Maybe even an e.p. Bring awareness productively without all the negativity that secular artists might bring to the table. Anyway, great job here!

  • Henry Strozier

    December 4, 2014 / at 8:00 am

    Great song! Thanks for sharing your heart with us! This is so sad! I pray for the families of the victims!

  • Louis

    December 4, 2014 / at 8:04 am

    Thanks Trip, this was good for my soul.

  • Alasdair

    December 4, 2014 / at 8:15 am

    Thanks for the drivel Trip Farrakhan.

  • Jacqueline lugo

    December 4, 2014 / at 8:42 am

    My heart breaks for the ways of this world. Too much injustice! My heart is heavy. I’m waiting on the day when the Lord comes to claim His people. When there will be no more pain. No more killing. No more tears. My heart goes out to each family that has lost a loved one in these tragic and violent ways. Thank you Trip for your words and your heart

  • Alasdair

    December 4, 2014 / at 8:43 am

    Dillon Taylor shot in Salt Lake City. No weapon. No crime. You ignorant race pimp.

  • Melody

    December 4, 2014 / at 8:43 am

    Thanks for taking the time to write about this. It’s a perspective I don’t hear often and really haven’t had to consider till recently.

  • Mike

    December 4, 2014 / at 9:35 am

    @alasdair the point he is making, which you’re trying to blow off just like he said in the song, is that white police have and do make assumptions of black men that aren’t valid. Being white and living with one side of my family that’s prejudice, and the other side that’s partially African American, I can tell you that what Trip said is true. In the case of Dillon Taylor, which I have to admit is one of the few times I’ve heard of something like this occurring, it may have been the same thing. Trip is stating that there’s still an issue with racism and prejudice in this country, and it’s due to sin. That problem doesn’t just go one way, but this song on its own is talking about the most pressing issue at hand right now, which is the epidemic of young black men who are treated unjustly because they fit a stereotype. You will believe what you want, but we see the issue, and we will stand against it, and hurt with those who hurt.

  • Henock Aristide

    December 4, 2014 / at 9:49 am

    Extremely sad on what’s going on. Nice track Tripp.

  • @TheRealChrisZ

    December 4, 2014 / at 9:55 am

    Praying for the healing and reconciliation that only Jesus can bring!

  • Lean

    December 4, 2014 / at 10:30 am

    I think its unsafe and dangerous being a white female and not a black man. I am not racist but most of the crimes that were commited against me, my family, and my friends, were by black males. I wish it wasnt true but it is.

  • Thebiggerpicture

    December 4, 2014 / at 10:49 am

    Why was he resisting arrest? He shouldn’t have died, but he shouldn’t have been resisting officers either. No, it couldn’t have been you if you are obeying the law. What should officers do differently? Let people break the law, resist arrest and just go about their day? When does it end? Have you seen the recent statistics? THREE TIMES MORE WHITES ARE KILLED BY POLICE OFFICERS THAN BLACKS. THREE TIMES. Let that sink in. I don’t think blacks are being targeted. I think the rioting, looting and burning things down are going to make white children racist (bc they are seeing it all on tv and are going to think all blacks do that) and I think black children are going to think that it’s ok to act like that. Don’t give the police a reason to “profile.” Stop making the black neighborhoods the most dangerous parts of all cities. Everyone (all colors) needs to stop thinking they are above the law and nothing will happen if they break it. (Good song, though… you have skills)

  • MichellH

    December 4, 2014 / at 10:53 am

    Trip, this is the way to solve the issue, talking, expressing feelings, opening up and PRAYING! not hating…Thank you!
    I am a middle aged white woman. I have a very different perspective. I was also harassed as a young white female (constant sexual harassment) , and have suffered discrimination in other ways. For instance being passed up for jobs because of being overweight even though I was most qualified. But, I never let it get me down because the only one I have to impress is GOD, and that is what I try to teach the younger kids I am around. We are all faced with discrimination, ALL of us, in some way or another. But what young black men face endangers their lives, I think that is the point many are trying to get across.

  • Twiceborn

    December 4, 2014 / at 10:54 am

    Minutes before I saw your tweet I posted on FB
    “Sometimes I scroll my TL & really have to pray.
    I don’t fault the unchurched but some Christians are so Inconsiderately Nonempathic #ButGod”
    You’re right Brother Trip.. Its sad and I’m grieved..
    I dont want to debate or argue.. I’m just praying for peace and justice man.. #CrazyWorld

  • JR

    December 4, 2014 / at 11:04 am

    Trip, I’m so sorry for your personal pain and also for the larger pain that the entire African American/Black community must be feeling in light of the sickening outcome yesterday.

    As a white Christian, I would also like to join you in the call to justice for minorities such as yourselves. And I would also say that as I watched that video of Eric Garner being killed months ago, for just those few minutes, I could place myself in his shoes and feel the injustice.

    As a Christian who labors in areas of increasing religious hostility, I think it’s important for all of us to understand that if our group also becomes a target for lawless police officers, we will find ourselves in a similar role, too. Which is just another reason why we MUST press for justice.

    We must press for equal and fair treatment for all – for human dignity. We must not accept the status quo. First and foremost for our brothers and sisters in the African American/Black community, but also for our society as a whole. We cannot survive in a land of tyranny. May we all learn many lessons from the tragedy of Eric Garner’s homicide. Thank you.

  • Ben

    December 4, 2014 / at 11:14 am

    The thing that I love most about this song is that it forces me to feel the issue in a way that mere words did not. Thank you so much for honestly exposing the sin in my heart as well as the redemption of a great Savior.

    Praying with my hand over my mouth.

  • Pamela

    December 4, 2014 / at 11:21 am

    Thank you for your words, Trip. I admire you as a man, a citizen, and a Believer. Your words have always touched my soul and made me think. Prayers to all of us. Much love.

  • RyanH

    December 4, 2014 / at 11:35 am

    Is the stereotype true? Would there be a stereotype if there was nothing to support the stereotyping? We all know the lyrics of most rap songs these days. Its straight from hell, and causes those who listen to live like hell. If you see a culture of people listening to songs about cop killing, drug dealing, murder, stealing, being violent, being disrespectful, its easy to understand that they might have a higher tendency to commit those crimes they are listening to. Is there statistical evidence to support such claims? Yes. Can everyone witness lewd behavior from this satanic rap culture in every city? Yes. Is the majority of people in this culture black? Yes. Thats the reason for the stereotype…Are they only black? No, but every skin color, but predominately black. So its a cultural issue here and NOT A race issue, and it just so happens that the culture we are talking about is prominently black. Do you really expect people to not stereotype, when the reality of the matter is that in a lot of cases (no not all) its right? Tell that to the marine in Afghanistan who sees what looks like the same guy who killed his best bud the week before. You tell him to stop stereotyping. Its not racism, its the enemy of our God who has wrecked havoc upon this generation of blacks through hip-hop and media. FIGHT BACK SAINTS.

    • Thebiggerpicture

      December 4, 2014 / at 1:01 pm

      That’s what I keep saying too! Don’t let there be stereo-types in the first place. They’re there for a reason!

      • RyanH

        December 4, 2014 / at 5:45 pm

        We need to acknowledge that there is a problem here. We need to acknowledge that this hip-hop culture (when I say that, I mean secular rap that is all about living vile) has ravaged our communities. We need to stop blaming “racism” as the cause of these tragic incidences. The truth is that a large portion of the black community has been influenced negatively by music. Its not only the black community, its the whole world, but because most of these rappers are black, blacks easily identify themselves with them.

        As christians WE need to be the ones influencing the world around us, for the sake of the world. The world must see the hope of glory in us. This is the only way we will make a difference in this world swayed by the evil one.

        Props to you Trip Lee for influencing the black community and many others in a way that leads to true life. May we never lose this love for the world that compels us to lay down our lives for their sake.

  • Just another white girl

    December 4, 2014 / at 11:47 am

    Beautiful emotions, beautiful…I like it! Preach it and remember freedom to speak and such, love your beats, love all 116 click music, feel the pain for ya’ll, yep I do. Never experienced life like you, being in poverty yeah, persecuted as a Christian yea, segregated in a rich school yea, attacked as a white in an all black neighborhood n robbed with a loaded gun yea, attacked on city buses by blacks yea, experience PTSD from this aggression yea, alcoholism took my childhood, abuse took my innocence and smokin weed with my parents was our quality time yea, defending my mom-calling 911! Moms nose broke, dad put on the choke, five yr old girl screaming STOP! Blood throughout, Devils on ground, I’m a big girl now. Pulled me out, yes He did! From the muck and the mire! From the sex, drugs, death, deception, failure, He saved me, for something better. We all feel pain, let’s fight for one thang! We all have a testimony, whether it’s rascism sarcasm sexism(crae),alcoholism, addiction, affliction, traumatic contradictions, but preach the TRUTH and LOVE brother in Christ! What can we do? Do what you do! Love me love you! Both ways, Christians rise up! Love love love in The Lord!

  • Onyi

    December 4, 2014 / at 11:50 am

    love how real this is

  • Bill

    December 4, 2014 / at 12:08 pm

    Trip brother, I met you at Cedarville a couple weeks ago, and have always loved and promoted your music. Your talk on preaching was great! But I hope you will consider the other side of the coin. When you say that ‘It coulda been you’…you need to understand in the same way that it could have been me, and I’m an old white man preacher. Walking down the streets of big cities or rural towns, we all can be victims of prejudice and hatred…simply because of the color of our skin…no matter our character or what we are doing at the time. It’s a dark reality of the fall and sin.
    But on the other hand….it ‘would not’ have been you who was arrested and killed on the streets’, because you would have responded to the officer as a Christian, and as a man who respects and obeys the authorities that God has ordained, as the apostle Paul did. If you examine the circumstances of each of these men you mentioned, it is obvious that they made a choice to resist, disobey, fight or attack the LEO who was doing their job that they are charged with doing faithfully. And while the officer may have been guilty of bias, prejudice or hatred, if the victim had cooperated with the law, they would still be alive and able to pursue any injustice against them in court. All of us are subject to injustice….and how we respond to it….often determines the outcome….as it did in each of these tragic cases.
    Thank you for considering this, and please feel free to correct me if I have it wrong, or if my advice is unbiblical or contrary to the teachings of Jesus Himself. God bless you my brother, and let’s work together for healing….not dividing.

  • Stephanie

    December 4, 2014 / at 1:30 pm

    Life is so precious. It saddens me to see how the lives of the people in our community is not held in the same regard as other races. No one deserves to be gunned down or choked to death. Rest assure those who think this type of behavior will be overlooked by God you are sadly mistaken. If man will not stand for the what is right he will have to answer to the Most High. Trip Lee….your pain/our pain is real without a doubt. And the Lord will hear us and respond according. We just have to stand firm in Him, and be obedient to do what He says. I pray that as a people we will come together in Jesus Name in wisdom, power and strength for positive change.

  • Jacob

    December 4, 2014 / at 2:01 pm

    You’ve been an inspiration to me since I’ve first listened to you. And while I generally love your songs, this one made me more sad than anything, and not just because of the tragedies of death that have occurred. It’s unbelievable to turn on the tv or read the news and see everything that we can do wrong in this world. I don’t know anything about those specifically mentioned cases aside from what the media tells me, though I must say I have certain opinions on each one. What is most painful to me is the the fact that no one is noticing the movement of motives from seeking the truth and establishing justice, to turning on and alienating others, more specifically white skinned people and cops. The way I see it, the only thing promoting racism are those who stand on a platform first giving their race and their offense. At first, I was going to post a bunch of links to stories I’ve recently read about horrible murders that have taken place recently of white skinned people by the hands of black skinned people, not because I wanted to say black skinned people are awful or less than white skinned people, but to say that everyone here is suffering and all are victims. How many white skinned people have you asked about sketchy run ins with cops? I guarantee you they’ve had them, cops make mistakes. Im not trying to take a side here, my point is that the only ones keeping racism alive are NOT those who supposedly act out of hate against those of another race, it’s one act of self-motivated hate, justice belongs to the Lord. But when a whole community or group continue to believe that their skins makes them any different from others. Those who believe their skins allows them to act or behave in control of others or gives them special permission to be offended. The race isn’t the crime. And our skin isn’t who we are, whether we grew up in Africa or Mexico, our skin pigment isn’t our culture or legacy. I don’t want to know you as Trip Lee the black man, and I don’t want to be known as Jacob the black man, or Jacob the white man. I’m Jacob, you’re Trip. We only advance this growing divide by acknowledging that it’s even there. But there is no divide. All brothers. All sisters. All sons and daughters of the Lord. I’m sorry you’re hurting man, thanks for all you’ve inspired in my life!

  • Burton

    December 4, 2014 / at 4:13 pm

    Nothing but truth brother, even though I’m white, I want to get into the coffin with ya’ll, and be grieved when you grieve. I’ve been following you for a long time and this track is definately one of my favorites! Love what you’re doing for us through the Lord Trip, keep it up.

  • DAYO

    December 4, 2014 / at 4:25 pm

    Coulda been anybody… Trip Lee *thumbs up*

  • Shelby

    December 4, 2014 / at 4:35 pm

    hey trip, thanks for sharing your heart. While I am not a young black man, and I might not truly ever understand, I am trying to hurt with you. Thanks for bringing up the point that the bad police officers and make it harder for the 90% of good officers and I love your point that we are all worth the same in God’s image and that’s where our hope should be. Grace and Peace Brother.

  • TBrant

    December 4, 2014 / at 4:38 pm

    I feel you on the lyrics man. I’m sorry that this has happened to you in the past and I am hurting with you as with all those who have been afflicted with this violence. Living love and walking with others, meaning to hurt with them and weep with them, is what we are called to do with those in suffering. I ask for prayer as I am currently struggling with things on a personal level but I’ll also keep you and people involved in this in prayer as well. Love you bro. May never meet you but I love you.

  • Andrew

    December 4, 2014 / at 4:43 pm

    I don’t understand this #couldabeenme. Trip I have been a fan for quite some time to not just you but other Christian rappers that have now spoken out about what happened in Ferguson, however I have become frustrated recently with the outcry over Ferguson.

    I am going to be upfront I am a 25 year old white male. I don’t understand what it is like to be a minority in the united states. I don’t feel like I have ever been pulled over because of my race. I have never been patted down because of my race. I have never been held back because of my race. These are things that I cant say I understand.

    While we are talking about things I cant understand lets talk about the #couldabeenme tag. REALLY?!? It could have been you?!? You would stolen cigars from a convenient store and then not listened to a cop? You would resist arrest? You would have hit or physically harmed an officer in uniform?!?

    Please tell me why you would do those things!

    You see while I understand that I will never know what it is like to be a minority in the US I have lived overseas. I lived in Europe for 8 years. While spending time in Europe I found out that every country has a different culture. one of the things my family found that was very interesting was whenever we meet a black person in Europe they were from the UK. Everyone of them spoke proper English and were very polite and well dressed. None of them wore their pants around their knees.

    You see there was a different culture there where it was unacceptable for they youth to act like thugs. Here in the US there are pockets of culture where it is normal, even exalted to act like a thug. Why is this the case???

    What does all this have to do with Ferguson?? Well everyone is calling this Michael Brown kid a good kid. I mean he is going to college! Well since when is going to college equal being a good kid? Lets look at the facts he wasn’t a good kid. He was a thief and a trouble maker. In the end he didn’t listen to authority and this eventually lead to his death.

    What I don’t understand Trip is that for this to happen, for to “couldabeenme” you would have had to do these things too. You would have had to steal from a store and then fought the cop that stopped you afterwards.

    In the end, what happened is sad! However it could not have been you. It could not have been me. That is not because I am a 25 year old male. It is because I would not steal and I would not fight a cop. Those are the issues here. Not race.

  • Kori

    December 4, 2014 / at 4:46 pm


  • Michael

    December 4, 2014 / at 4:48 pm

    Grace, peace, love and mercy from our God and Daddy

    First, I’d like to praise the Lord for your salvation and servant hood brother. You represent the Father well. I’m blessed to say that you’re the first artist that God used to significantly impact my walk early in my salvation. Got saved in December of 2006 and I was so deeply embedded in the Hip Hop/Urban culture that it was hard to transition just listening to contemporary worship, “I Love Music”. Appreciate your interview and advice regarding cultural awareness as it pertains to biblical worship and how it varies.

    May the Lord bless you and increase the fruits of you labor!

    Pastor Bill, grace and peace to you as well…though I agree fully regarding resisting arrest I strongly believe that there are standards that should be upheld and enforced for improper procedures/actions.

  • Michael

    December 4, 2014 / at 4:50 pm

    Totally forgot to reflect on song. My beloved brother I believe this song encompassed what true hip hop is and what it was designed to be…


  • Zander

    December 4, 2014 / at 6:10 pm

    Me personally I do not agree with this song. It shows the racism that is truly in america. Everyone complains that the whites are racist just because they did there job. If it was a black man who shot the kid (whom reached for the officers gun) shot him nothing would of been said whatsoever. Just my opinion and bring on the hate :)

  • Jason

    December 4, 2014 / at 6:24 pm

    I appreciate your willingness to have dialogue bro. We have issues in the country that need to be death with all on sides and the only way to do that is through Christ Jesus!

    We need to show everyone the love of Christ – so I put together a little positive video of love…

  • whitney

    December 4, 2014 / at 6:26 pm

    This is exactly how I feel! This is a beautiful and pure expression. Praying with and for you bro! I love you and appreciate all of your ministry.

  • Ben

    December 4, 2014 / at 7:15 pm

    Trip just wanted to let you know I am hurting for you and feel burdened to be part of the solution. I am a youth director at a suburban church with mostly white kids, I spent my Wednesday night study with them last night diving into Gods word helping them understand why there is hurt on both sides, how as believers we are to let love cover all and let the light of Christ shine, how we are to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Then spent tonight @ a event called Faith Rx which you may be familiar with, giving that same message to adults. I know the road to healing is long for all involved and will only be made real when we focus our eyes on the King and live like Christ. I am so sorry for the pain on both sides and want you to know I have been and will continue to pray for heart change among those with blind eyes. Keep your head up, God is faithful and good, and you continue to do what God has blessed you with, you ARE making a difference.

  • Osakpolo

    December 4, 2014 / at 7:43 pm

    Thank you so much for this song because this thought has also been going through my mind. As a 21 year old black male in Boston I appreciate that I can look up to christian men like you.

    Thanks again.

  • angelique

    December 4, 2014 / at 7:54 pm

    Could’ve been one of my 4 sons! Thank you Trip. I pray that people will stop trying to win an argument and really hear the heart of our men.

  • GageGuest

    December 4, 2014 / at 8:24 pm

    teip lee my heart saddens also after watching the latest video of the man gettin chocked to death.

    I wrongfully judged you guys on speaking up. I looked at it out of a religious persons view instead of a commandment to love one another. I am sorry to the brothers in Jesus I have judged wrongfully.

    I know that I am not perfect and I need Gods love everyday. He has been graceful to me. He spared my life today from a terrible anxiety attack. I thought I was going to die but he did not allow it.

    I’m going to separate myself from all my social media (delete them) to become closer and walk with Jesus in Spirit and in Truth!

    If you ever want to talk or have any advise my number is 580-509-5059

  • Mauricio arriaga

    December 4, 2014 / at 10:45 pm

    Can you pray for me bro I would really appreciate it I feel Iike I need more of god because I don’t have enough of him I’m a 13 year old boy from Kerman California and you guys are my role model I’m a christian but I keep on going back with sin and I’m tired of running into sin I want to change my life I want to be a new creation can you pray that god does work on me so I could be a better christian <3 it coulda been me who got shot we never know when we gonna die we never know when god is gonna call our name and say its time for you to go that's why we should always be ready we need to say every night and every time you go out god if I don't want up or I don't come back home pleaz accept me into your throne of glory and eternal life <3

  • Denzel Patricks Ny Jr.

    December 5, 2014 / at 12:06 am

    I haven’t listened to the song but the lyrics just says it all and I know it’s a good song cause that’s what you do best. God bless you more

  • NicholasTracy

    December 5, 2014 / at 1:30 am

    At first, when I saw these posts, I didn’t get it. I pretty much just thought it was annoying, and I’m not too proud of that now. After listening to this song and Derek Minor’s recent release, I was reminded that grace is a big part of this, and the part I was missing most. I didn’t take the time to think about it from different perspectives. As a middle-class white guy attending a university, I had a difficult time understanding that we are looked at differently by others, you and I. However, once I took the time to do so, my eyes were opened to a different place than the place I’ve been in my whole life. I want to sincerely apologize for not taking that time to see things from your perspective, and I want to encourage everyone to approach all of this with grace in mind. It is key. I thank you for posting this song, Derek Minor for releasing his, and all of the 11Six crew who have spoken about this issue and shared their wisdom.

  • Kentrel

    December 5, 2014 / at 1:58 am

    Trip Lee much love on this song man no lie. We needed this type of song to pull our heads out of the gutter, and see what God wants us to do. I’m on my mission to do a song just like this man. May God help us all at this hard time.

  • Edward

    December 5, 2014 / at 8:11 am

    I am a pastor of a church in a small town in Arkansas and I don’t get stopped by the police for no apparent reason……..ANYMORE. That has not always been the case. My brother and I were stopped and told to get out of the car at gunpoint and all we did was drive into a town in northern Wisconsin. We were 19 or 20 years old. Five years earlier we were walking home and a police car slowly trailed us for three blocks or so before stopping us. They said we looked like some suspects in a robbery.

    I said it doesn’t happen anymore fully believing that it still can and that things can quickly go terribly wrong.

    I was introduced to Christian Hip Hop through KAA and I listen to the words in your songs all of the time. “Rise” is cold, cold, cold.

    Your words speak truth about Christ boldly and 116.

    I appreciate this bold statement which looks at the big picture and does not separate and focus on one incident.

    When you said every black man you know has experienced this…I am one of them.

    Reach out to me anytime.
    Keep preaching brother.

  • OtiatoMargy

    December 5, 2014 / at 10:06 am

    What a friend we have in Jesus; ALL our sins and griefs to bear, all because we do no carry EVERYTHING to God in prayer.. It’s tough BUT God is able to intercept if we render our helplessness entirely to His grace that is more than sufficient. We can ask many questions, question our identity etc., yet miss all the answers God has already provided in His Word if only we search the scriptures. If we have ever needed God, it’s NOW that faith is, as we realize the systems we trust to protect us fail. God is our refuge and strength a very present help in time of need… Our hope is in the Lord God of the Bible through Jesus our Lord and Saviour and prince of peace, it’s for these reasons He took our place to die so we are accepted in the beloved and to be set free regardless of our diversity. We need not wait for another incident inevitably at this rate, let’s return to God, our first love. We left Him but He never left us. He is waiting, to heal our wounds and to dress us in royalty so we are dignified as His children not disgraced as slaves who have no rights. God is our father, we belong to Him, He is a responsible Dad we need Him! He has all we need including human rights!


    December 5, 2014 / at 10:10 am

    Its not only in american, it happens everywhere around the world…I witness where a brother burnt his fellow brother alife by petrol because he is a christian while he is a muslim, where 3 innocent student where set ablaze for crime they commit not in portharcourt Nigeria, where suicide bombing takes place, where soldiers killed a whole citizen in a community for a political reason, Nigeria is one of the country that strange things which are to happen in the bibble happens. We need ur prayers all over the world…Living with muslims is not easy.

  • MargureteMensa

    December 5, 2014 / at 2:31 pm

    Whatev. Here’s a suggestion: quitcherb*tchin, grow up and contribute something positive to society besides your self centered feelings. They’re way over rated.

  • Marchauna

    December 5, 2014 / at 3:07 pm

    Had the privilege of hearing you at WinterJam in Spokane, Washington and was very blessed by your music. Checked out your website today and saw your post about Ferguson. Thank you for sharing. God has only recently opened my eyes to the reality of racism and discrimination in the US and in the Church. He has broken my heart, and I am trying to learn as much as I can so I can have a biblical, God-honoring attitude. Your post touched me deeply and gives me something to share with brothers and sisters whose hearts and eyes have not been opened yet. Praying for a Rev 7 Church and for Holy Spirit to bring conviction to His people in “the West”. Please don’t grow weary or give up yet…the Body of Christ needs your message, vision, and passion.

  • fundmc

    December 5, 2014 / at 3:17 pm

    Love the positive message. We have to keep our faith in the Lord and remember to share the Good News in the trying times.

  • L

    December 6, 2014 / at 11:33 am

    Trip, thank you so much. Thank you for loving others when they’ve hated you. Thank you for receiving Christ’s heart for his church – a unified one – and walking like Him, when it’s hard and when it’s easy. I honor you and your family and the depths you’ve gone to love Jesus well. Thank you.

  • Kathleen

    December 7, 2014 / at 3:11 am

    I just stumbled across this and wanna say that your response is authentic, from the heart and conscious. I witness your hurt and feel the heaviness with you. I can relate to much of it due to my gender. Let’s envision the day when we access people based on what’s inside and look for the beauty that is there.

  • Margurete

    December 7, 2014 / at 12:27 pm

    ok, so I see how this goes. First, I guess all the posted comments have to be in favor of your sad sappy cry baby song or they don’t get posted. Then it appears not you or one of your (positive) commenters gets the irony on the fact that literally thousands of human beings perish daily around the world from person on person violence yet one over weight, asthmatic black man dies while resisting arrest, it happens to get caught on camera and now we have sainted him, played the race card, decried all police nationwide as overly forceful and called for a national uprising. Just one question: if this individual had worked just as hard to make a living for himself and his family in a legal, lawful otherwise customary fashion instead of illicit unlawful activity might he still be alive today? At least we would be spared your sappy self pity.

  • WhiteVictim

    December 8, 2014 / at 4:05 pm

    I am a white man who works with youth from various races and backgrounds. At the moment, 80% of the group is black and your song offends me. I have purchased many copies of your CD’s to give out to the group but no more. The flip side of your song “It could have been me” is that you are really saying, “It could have been YOU” (white man) who could have done this to me (black man). You are WHITEwashing the real issue at heart and that is SIN. As a Christian artist you should know better but you are doing what others are doing: you are capitalizing on the deaths of others to sell your music and make money. You are know different from Al Sharpton. Please read the story of the rape & killing of the white couple Channon Christian, 21, and boyfriend Christopher Newsom, 23 at the hands of people who happened to be black. This story never made the headlines because the horrific deaths of whites do not sell papers or rap songs. It could have been you but it definitely happened to them. So, why don’t you sing about that. Hopefully, you will allow this to be posted and remain posted.

  • Tom

    December 8, 2014 / at 10:54 pm

    Wow. It must be miserable being a victim your whole life. Misery certainly loves company, though.

    Your song almost made me feel sorry for myself too considering every hurtful thing ever done to me. What’s the difference between you and me? I choose to learn from the past, and move on. Maybe I was in the wrong. Maybe I was wronged. Who cares.

    I’m stronger than that.

    p.s. I’m a white male, and I too have had confrontations with law enforcement as a teen never once being charged. I thank God for every one of those situations and how I learned from them.

  • Thomas

    December 10, 2014 / at 11:38 pm

    Trip Lee is so light-skinned, he can pass as white. His wife and kids are also white looking. How can he claim to really be black or have the same experience as black people.

    Yes I’m white and even I know that life is harder for blacks with dark skin.

    Come Lord Jesus!

    • Trip Lee

      December 22, 2014 / at 1:59 pm

      This comment is troubling and shows how little you do understand about life for black people in America

  • Lori

    December 21, 2014 / at 4:14 am

    Today, since the killing of the two NYPD officers, I finally thought that I would search the video of Eric Garner_I watched it, I could only handle watching it once; I am absolutely in dis-believe!! The tears are flowing….how fucking dare the cops, how dar them !! I am SO SORRY for Eric’s family, and friends. I understand that he was actually a great man, a beautiful, giving soul. RIP Eric Garner.

    I am a White female, in my early 50’s, I’ve never lived in the cities like where Eric did. I am privileged by any means; I work hard, have struggles making end meet; I have been wrong in the work place; actually bullied, fired, on more than one occasion; I have no rights, no one cares, the EEOC, is a crock of ….! Throughout my life, I have had a run in or two with a cocky police officer; but, I have also had experiences with many good police officers. There is NO EXCUSE good enough for the actions taken against ERIC; he was SO violated, and basically killed at the hands of a cocky police officer. I can’t understand the failure in our judicial system; I just shake my head, I don’t know what to do; while watching the news, and listening to the stories_it repulses me! My parents raised me to not see color(s)… we are all one; we do all come from different walks of life; many of us have struggles, many struggles throughout life; but the same blood flows through our veins. Although, I’ve never been on the “wrong side of the law;” my brother has, he to is White, did some time in prison(10yrs) for some petty crimes that were blown completely out of proportion; he has been out for about 15yrs now; he had to where an ankle bracelet for awhile(2yrs,) so that was a reason for the local cops to get to know him well, and hassle him, constantly, at that time. It’s been 15yrs, with NO issues, and he still gets hassled to this day, it is pathetic; he is still paying for the crime, although he has well completed his time. It is not just a Black problem, it is all of our problem. There is so much wrong with everything today, and basically, we really don’t have rights…because if we don’t do it the right way then we are wrong, and punished in some way or another. Although, there are many bad people in this world, one’s that have little regard for the life of another person, thieves, thugs of all colors; we need police officers to help fight crime; they do risk there lives many days; but their control, their level of force, the lack of listening to people, their sense of cockiness; it is most always the case of you are guilty, until proven innocent, and people all over this nation are being treated like they are less than that of the police officer(“law official.”) IT MUST STOP! Our “great” nation, is not really so great at this time…starting with the government, trickling down to the local police.

    Back to Eric, again, I am so sorry, and sad for his family and friends. I very misfortunate event…I hope that through perseverance his family will get some justice, of course it could never replace Eric.

    May peace be with you all.

  • Lori

    December 21, 2014 / at 4:20 am

    The second paragraph is supposed to say that I am NOT privileged by any means! Oops.

  • AJ

    April 8, 2015 / at 9:49 am

    I don’t even know where to start. That’s exactly how I feel and I’m not even American but being black, knowing that people are being oppressed and then even murdered by authority is just heart wrenching, and then to know that the same authority is getting away with such makes it so hard to believe in any justice system, really. I sympathise with the families involved and affected, both from the victims or perpetrators side.

  • Tammy

    April 9, 2015 / at 6:31 pm

    Bad cops are making it bad for the good cops.

  • Kianna

    May 20, 2016 / at 4:35 pm

    Wow. <3

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